Thursday, September 03, 2009

Late nights and early lights

Let love tear us apart,
I found the cure for a broken heart.


Pictures at last. I've been so broke lately that I don't think I'll ever get a new camera D:

Weekend of starbucks-overloads, rock-climbing-induced-bruises and way too much unhealthy BBQ food. Not that I'm complaining.

Ridiculous trampling all over the cemetery on a perfectly sunny Saturday afternoon. In ode for Jac's PW project! It was... enriching?! Do not be afraid is you see any orbs or extra hands/faces/ghostly figures in the pictures.

Tour guide by day, grave guarder by night.

Jac pretending to be hard at work.

'... Bukit Brown cemetery should be conserved due to its wide range of flora and fauna.'
Obviously, we had to snap some shots of the pathetic 'flora' to lie our way through.

clarebear! photo credits to her.

The road to the top of the hill.
I got married to Clare! It looks like we're walking to into the sky.

I love this picture haha!
'Someone once told me the grass was much greener,
on the other side' -as told by Ginger.

Remember this? And its extremely apt as well.

Largest gave ever. It was a massive dancefloor.

onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">HA!

Baybeats! Sadly no pictures yet, since a certain somebody doesn't have facebook. Honestly, what century do you come from Cal?! Should have gone Friday though!

Went back to SAC cause I skived off on monday, and it was so-so. Catched the Orphan and it was hella scary. Was it any better that Dayna chose the front row seats?! Screamed like stuck pigs. The only thing distracting me was the fact that I had lost my damned ATM card (rather embarrasing incident at starbucks which Mark rescued me from.) Now i owe dayna a ton. Egad.

I am never following Luki's movie recommendations ever again. Spending money on a shite movie is the biggest suckfest ever. HAHA! Mel covering her eyes and falling asleep = highlight of the movie. Nick laughed like a horse. Talk about a weird sense of humour!

Prawn-fishing tomorrow or spending five hours at an 'excursion' in army camp? You tell me.

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