Friday, June 14, 2013

It is what it is

Most of my friends
are musicians in the subway stations
Making amends with a dark and different world
Paying their dues like a faulty underwater mortgage
Taking the cues from a nonexistent fantasy girl


Gold Motel's latest, brimming with good summer vibes, as always. As if one needs a reminder that we're right smack in the middle of the hottest season of a calender year. Currently living under the oppression of a colossal heat wave, one which I can barely walk straight in.

Time's passing quicker than I could have ever imagined, which is strange, because the days seem fuller as compared to the past academic semester & I'm wondering why my weeks fall through my fingers faster than I can flip through my daily planner. Just came back from church camp a couple of days ago, which was an amazing but mad tiring experience, one I'm sure to blog about if time allows (great worship, lovely people, 3am nights). Then there's the endless parade of paperwork for Sweden, decorating up the studio for our acoustic sessions that's launching in July, time with family & friends & of course, church stuff. There's always something to do.

Everyday's an adventure; I'm wondering when things will finally slow down, slow down enough for me to catch up.

Monday, June 03, 2013

Within & WIthout

“In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars.” 
The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald


I recently caught up with a dear friend C, who is currently studying journalism & English literature in the dreamy city of Paris. We talked like how old friends often do: naturally & unabashedly & sometimes absent-mindedly & so it was shocking when she suddenly stopped in her tracks & scolded me for the way I blogged. C, one of the few loyal readers left of this forgotten online space, told me to blog about something concrete, & not to be so vague & nebulous (a word we are fond of throwing around lately) as I 'always' am. It was puzzling to me at first, but it's true. Many writers do feel an obligation to always write about a compelling issue, to publish a review on an art film or an electronic product, or to update his/her readers on a life-changing moment, but the thing is that life isn't always about great, big stories like that. Life isn't just made up of momentous events; it's made up of a million minuscule occurrences too.

So here are a few 'concrete' things that have been happening in mine lately. For starters, the entire office spent an entire Saturday celebrating Alarice's & Calvin's wedding union two weekends ago. What can I say? The chapel was resplendent, the ceremony was lovely & the dinner after was intimate & special. It was a wonderful way to spend an evening, getting drowsy with beer & sleep with friends under fairy lights & flags. I couldn't be happier for Rice, who's been like an older sister to me the past couple of years, at my workplace & elsewhere. The journey is only beginning & I'm so stoked to see how God uses this amazing couple in his kingdom :)

Have been meeting up with the girls (& a couple of dudes) from church often too, for meals or movies or just pure conversation. It started out with a strict sense of urgency, where the ending of sophomore year made me realise how quickly I would be leaving this country for exchange in Sweden & well, I really did want to meet everyone at least once before that. This quickly changed though, with teas turning into dinners & shopping trips turning into 4 hour-long talks at the nearest coffeehouse. I love spending time with these friends & mentors & younger youth. These are the people I've taken for granted for more than 15 years but I am certainly grateful for every one of them.

There are so many more things to write about. Books I've been reading & music I've been listening to. Art exhibitions & time spent with S. The Great Gatsby film. Secret tea sessions & bizarre socials. Work & my hilarious colleagues. I love writing at this time of the night, where the air is still & the world stops, if only for this twilight hour. It's as if God reserved this time, or created midnight at all to let people think & write. But for now the hour is late & that will all have to wait till next time.

P.S. I hope this is concrete enough for you, C. Love.