Friday, September 21, 2012

Fade out

A scene, like hands, warm.
& a plane melting into clouds
silently & beautifully as we watch
from below
cold tongues licking cold ice-creams
a divot, in the glass, in the kaleidoscope, in eyes
colours aflame

Buildings transform into
& well,
there are a hundred ways to look at the city
but I like my view the best of all

July 2011

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Oh, did I ever have it!

I like simple things. I like street shows & the hum of a train station in Paris. I like music with good &  honest lyrics. I like a song composition which musical backbone consists of only a ukulele, a xylophone & three voices. I like simple things, & it's been too long a time since I've heard such a unique sound... it's absolutely refreshing.

Paris' very own We Were Evergreen has a dynamic tome that never goes out of style; Their lyrics & melodies have a naïveté-like quality to it that is endearing, but not over-sentimental. It's something quite special to see... A beautiful song that emerges when a couple of chords on a ukulele are put together with a bass-line & slick vocal harmonies. I always think that the appeal of indie music comes from the sum of its parts, rather than soaring powerhouse vocals or a huge brass section, because it shows such creativity in complex arrangement while remaining relatable to music-listeners. That's why I will always prefer Andrew Bird whistling a simple tune for a pre-chorus, or Edward Sharpe making a song out of claps and twelve voices over more chart-toppers. We Were Evergreen is a perfect, perfect example of this kind of music. Give it a listen, won't you?

You can listen to more variations of their single, Baby Blue, here & here, and also watch this crazy awesome stop-motion video of one of their earlier songs, Penguins & Moonboots. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Brand New Bass Guitar


Blues guitar, bass guitar.
Nature / Creation
Hipster art exhibitions
Food, as always
Books, as always
Extravagant teas
Non-existent study sessions (oops.)
ROYALTY: Will & Kate
Discovering fresh, brilliant, vibrant music
New things.

Elaboration on the above will have to wait till I've actually had six straight hours of sleep & actually have the mental strength to write a decent blog entry. Till then, my (three to six) readers.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

On art & poetry

Ever since coming back from the States, I've been writing a lot more. Jotted anecdotes, notebook doodles, song lyrics, short prose, etc. I miss the holidays because of the abundance of time where one can write. Because of the poetry module I'm taking this semester, I've been thinking a lot about the creative process & the mixing of poetry with different kinds of mediums... It's interesting, really. 

Before my mom became a housewife, she was a graphic designer specializing in font design & layout. Sometime in the 1980s, her company was commissioned by the American furniture company, Herman Miller, to create something; a designed product to be sent out as corporate gifts. This was what they came up with. She gave me this unframed piece two years ago, & it's been hanging on my bedroom wall since then. 

I can't pronounce half the words on the handkerchief, but I love how art & words were fused together to make the final product, which is more than the sum total of its parts. The way I see it, it's no different from writing Haiku, or a sonnet, or sticking to any kind of poetic convention (like following a certain rhyme scheme, or creating a kind of form). The only thing that's different is that with graphic art, you're working with space, & colour, & the shape of words, while maintaining the flow of the poetry or prose. I've tried it before, & well, it isn't in the least bit easy... That's not to say I'm giving up. I'm trying, trying harder. It's a process. A work in progress.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Music for rain

Postcards from Far Away - Coldplay
Holocene - Bon Iver
The Giant of Illinois - Andrew Bird
That was Your Mother - Paul Simon
Your Bones - Of Monsters & Men
Go Out All Night - Givers
Blackbird - The Beatles
English House - Fleet Foxes
Winter '05 - Ra Ra Riot
Come On - Rend Collective Experiment
What We Lose in the Fire We Gain in the Flood - The Mynabirds
Birds of a Feather - The Civil Wars
In The Sea - Ingrid Michaelson
Lost Cause - Priscilla Ahn
Passenger - Lisa Hannigan
Now My Feet Won't Touch the Ground - Coldplay


It's been raining a lot lately. This weather is far from what most call winter, but it's good enough for me.