Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Early Morning Ramblings

Me: ARGH there is never any damned toilet paper in toilets! Especially in the morning!
Amethyst: Nehmind Stace, just shake dry!
Me: o_o

Me: Max, can i ask you a question?
Max: (*sees look on my face) What? Spit it out before you burst.
Me: Do guys um, shake dry?
Max: You mean like, after we pee?
Me: (*quite uncomfortable and surprised by this point of time) You mean you're familiar with the term 'shake dry'?!
Max: There's alot of things you don't know about guys. Like how rarely we use toilet paper.

Holy canoli. How naive can I get?! Please tell me that Max doesn't speak for the entire male population. I am, as of now, shocked and rather disgusted.

Just another day in the life of yours truly, bite-size.

P.S. your postcard arrived in the mail last night Liz. The one with the union jack splashed across it (how very un-typical) but it was a lovely surprise. You came back before it did, tho! Tell me your add again and we shall continue our oh-so-irregular letter writing :D

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