He's got her
wrapped around his finger,
and what's this now?
She's tiptoeing just to reach higher
to feel under the folds for his heart.
He's got her
wrapped around his finger,
cause that's what he's good at,
Painting hoax dreams onto skylines
and printing them on her lips.
He's lost her,
Now she's playing the killer
Not the filler of that side of the bed
To his own paper dreams,
lost out on the fast track
He's lost to her,
He's lost her.
Hey all!
Yesterday was pretty much a blast. Although its merely 25[or is it 24?!] days to the big 'O's, coming to school is such a bore. really it is. So someone suggested that we 'spiced' up phototaking abit by customizing our informal photo the '4.8' way. after brainstorming on dozens of suitables names for everyone[according to their character and best known attribute], it was fun all the way.
Spent the whole morning trying to get pictures of everyone with their individual sign, it was mucho fun.

Rachelle, who pretty much makes up for the inadequecies of our other IT rep, none other than natasha angela lee[HAHA.] Her skills are rather profesional! Scores brownie points because she always gets yeled at by PMS-ey teachers.
The picture says it all.
Ah this was a personal favourite nickname. With Gen being the sole-cookie-seller in 4.8, she does get a bit blur sometimes.
Lopsided hat, for the effect!
No, the stoned face was intentional, really. Its a 4.8 thing.
The phrase was coined by Shanna and it stuck! Funky name. Your hair looked bowcut renee!! hahaha.

Speaks for itself! We are all vair proud of nicole-marie, whose excellent debating and oratorical skills are not given enough recognition by the &^$%# school.

JOY! if you get the pun, of course.

Angela MUAHAHAHA who stands at a height of 1.47, if i remember correctly. And amanda moey just being there for the comic relief.

She weighs like 40kg, i think. A bit freaky-deaks, but we deal XP drumstick cause of the pb-ness.

ZOMG this is the classic. What else is sarah ee famous for but her MOLE, slap-dab above her mouth? Thus, all chemistry students, be dazzled by our absolute nerd-osity to transform a simple nickname to the likes of a chemistry formula! Mrs Teo would be proud of you, sarah.
Btw, those yellow circles are supposed to represent moles, not sarah's colour sense.

Mathea who gives the top-pek chek face when mr Quek is talking.

Everyone meet amanda yeo, our resident ice queen. Notice the ice-tray, contributed by yours truly. She is the very epitome of the word 'cold', and is seen to be on par with the likes of ms lim.
cool huh.

A play on the words, is Ruoen as the president of Concert band. BAND-its!
Its a pretty cool idea.

Ah the tears and scripts of monologues. Stephanie does it the best.

This freaks me out, a little.

The eternal smile! in a good way of course. ANd no.1 in a literal way.

Jah, you understand, don't you?

Because i stopped being 'THE FRINGE'.

the tiara on nicolette's head made more then a few rounds around class today. Seeing geraldine with a shimmery plastic crown made all of us choke back with laughter, really.

Sorry Sarah, we couldn't let someone as 'aussome' as you be a simple '-' thus the name of superstar was born.

Emilia's hair has the uncanny ability to simply flop back in place when someone attempts to mess it up[probably due to her lack of a hair parting.] Ask her for a demo and im sure she'll comply XD
Took a couple of boring formal shots, and i ended up with Sarah Anne. With all our similarities, even our height stacks up the same. Then the guy announced 'OKAY, formal shot finished...'
And some person in the front[i think it might have been gladys] said 'YAY! time for our UN-formal shot everyone!'
Gee, UN-formal. wahahaha. Unfortunately i was the only one to hear it[or detect the mistake.] and started to laugh like a maniac. Stampede to get our props!!

front row: Pei Yi[cheeky smile], Janna[the Printer], Joy[
emo], Renee[Geek in the Pink], amanda moey[ever-smiling no.1], Clare[B*tch Queen, for her big gob.], Faith[partner of hope]
Second Row: Stephanie[Drama mama], Adeline[BADminton GIRL], Amanda Yeo[ice queen], Patricia[the constant mother], Samster[princess of tennis], Mr Poh[SHADDUP, SHADDUP. written on his tablet, mind you] Nicolette[dancing queen], Sharon[Big Boss of Percussion], Kit Yeng[the voice], Tricia[supernatural], Rina[the silent writer]
Third Row: Joan[the Reed, for obvious reasons], Jasmine[i honestly cant see her sign], Tsin Ning[the Cheek Pincher], Pei Rong[bottomless pit], Sarah Anne[spider pig], Geraldine[Baby], Sarah Ee[6.02x10^23], Nicole[Best speaker, with the blazer!], Me[stargirl], Hau en[Les Artiste] Vanessa [Head above all], Angela[little one]
Fourth Row: Ruoen[chief bandit], Gladys[Small-eyed motor mouth], Rachelle[IT girl], Judy[the silencer], Emilia[unmessable hair], XQ[loudhailer!], Gen[misguided]. Sarah G[superstar], Mathea[(pek chek)^2], Natasha[walking drumstick]

Hokay after all that drama, we went back to bio lesson to crap for awhile. After school went to expo to study with a number of people. Phooo our study group grew to ginormous proportions. Went with Renee Carrie Sam and emilia. Somehow along the way to 14 busstop, i left my camera with Joy at the ice-cream place and didnt notice! Of course, being natural camwhorers, it was only their natural instinct to make a FUNNAY video and take tons of photos.
You must watch this video. It is mighty hilarious.
Amanda: HI STACY, urh, we have your camera MUAHAHAHAHA[really weird horsey laughter]
Rachelle: hi! [fades off] bye...
Angela: hi stacy!
Clare: hi stacy, We will call you in five minutes!
oh gee.

Managed to get to the expo unscathed. Met shanna there, she helped us to chope seats. there was some F1 racing thing going on, so it was pretty crowded at first.

renee ate a subway cookie. Someone call the queen!

Ah everyone this is shanna with her new apple hair! Shanna you're shaggy no more!

wahahaha renee getting into zen mode.

i slept for a while was so exhausted as usual. School life can be tiring. why can't you just let me sleep!
walked samster to the bustop. Then afterwards carrie left and DEMANDED[okay lah not demanded] to take train, so me and renee walked four halls with her. Walked back to study a bit more till about 8pm and then dinner at subway! It was sinful dinner. me and shanna shared a footlong subway melt with DOUBLE meat woaaaaah. it was quite an experience chomping your way through six hunks of meat... haha. Went back home and slept till first light.
Today was boring, srsly. everyone was srsly exhausted. It was a looooong day, triple amath was unbearable. As if it wasn't enough, the math department decided to torture us for a little bit by making us stay back for a EMATH MOCK EXAM. which mdm ang only told us about on tuesday, how nice of her jah? Like we do not have enough to worry about, Os coming in a few weeks.
Preservation of braincells are very important in times like these.
anyway, was fully burnt out after emath paper. Managed to stumble back home with patrica, she was delirious with some kinda fever. Ran out of brain juice?!
Me: Oh schiezer, i forgot to pass The Script CD to emilia!
pat: The script?
Me: Yes, its a band. You know.
Pat: Never heard of it.
Me: i can't believe you never heard of the script!
Pat: Well, who wrote it?![starts to shriek with laughter, stumbling into the roadside bushes and knocking me aside like an inflatable bozo doll.]
See, this is what math does to you, makes you insane.
There's some ridiculous chemistry 'REVISION' test tomorrow on fifteen freaking chapters of the text book, including all the hard ones eg. electrolysis ec etc. some revision test, this is enough to make you cry.
Till next time all!