I would have given it another shot.
But you hid my face behind a mask,
tossed me in the room where all your sins were laid.
Said you'll be my secret.
Open up the floodgates,
nothing but doubt gushes out,
I'm in this room with nothing left to offer you,
Because you molded me in clay
and tried to crack me the same way.
Define me,
but who is this person?
Warping shadows and endless reflections.
To lose yourself.
Hello all.
So a whole bunch of things have happened in the past few days that haven't been the most pleasant of experiences, in anyone's books, I'm sure. With the deal about graduation, there has been alot of things that has been said about it, but nothing can be done to change the situation, although it was tough dealing with it. Still didn't get anything in the end, but its something i'll have to accept sooner or later.
Everyone forget what happened on wednesday! It was extremely embarrasing. But thanks for being there anyway :) Renee and steph did get an award in the end, so that's fab.
After the whole hooha, thursday was rather interesting.
We had to switch to another empty class because people were getting back O-level chinese results. People did improve generally, like amanda and clare got A2s! From C5s, it was quite a drastic[in a good way] jump.
As it was OUR class, we didnt use the free period to wreck havoc and create pandemonium in the empty classroom, but rather slept/study. Or doodled endlessly.
It reads 'Gen is retarded but i'll be your secret'
Wow someone has to work on their grammer, jah?
And i st next to samster, which was quite fun. We love to draw nonsensical stuff. My incredible brain juice thought up of an INCREDIBLE invention.. called the TOASTER RADIO. muahahahah. I will rule the world with my patented products.
Okay then after school it was dress shopping. I must say it was one of the worst experiences in my life. Shall not divulge any information, just imagine eight people scrutinizing you after a nerve-wrecking fifteen minutes scrambling in the dressing room. URK.
Shoes after that. Ridiculous stuff everywhere, really!
Went to airport to send vanessa off to London for studies. Although she IS going to the most marvellous place in the whole wide world[except maybe for Madagascar and Tokyo] to study journalism in some prestigious college, it was really sad and all for us. Tears were on free flow that night.

Alex came and brightened the whole mood up. With the bad jokes and fake hugs.

The stuffy adults were tut-ting away and clicking their tongues and us 'children' and our immature little games. I promise myself that even if i grow wrinkled as a prune, my soul will never grow old and become as stuffy and funsucker-ish as such.
Oooh! its a boogey!
That's all the pictures from yesterday.
Didnt go to school today. for an assortment of reasons
I would say my aunt is GIVING BIRTH, but that would mean stealing Sarah Anne's lame excuse and also i don't have a relative giving birth right now[what a miracle.]
Met Renee though after school to hang out at her place with Shanna and Carrie before we went for the aussome bass concert at esplanade. They studied, i laughed at paramore videos. And we made a list later on. It was quite funneh.
Left and met Nick Mel and Ains at Marina Square's Carls Jr. Mel was having trouble with eating her burger. Some people i suppose, are just not meant to eat sloppy fast food, plus the fact that CJ's burgers are the size of your face and difficult to hold on to. Nick, even with a broken arm, could eat it quick and neat. quite a sight really! Made plenty of cracks about the graduation of course.
Walked over to esplanade to see SMV's concert. I'm not much of a bass person, but this concert was something not to be missed out, with three bass LEGENDS coming together to jam. Victor Wooten, Marcus Miller and Stanley Clarke. Absolutely briliant, although we didnt get much of seats at all. The slapping techniques were frankly, unbelievable. I thought nicholas was good, but that was world's apart.
Mel on the other hand, laughed through the thing or took little naps. What a sleeper, really.
Lizz was there with uncle ronald, being the father-daughter bass duo. They did some signings which we didnt go for because they were out of CDs. Went back home with mel and ains.
So tomorrow is Graduation and i feel nothing but apprehensive. Ugh. Wish me luck, i'll need it if i'm planning not to trip on the red carpet in front of a thousand pairs of eyes tomorrow. I'm sure everyone will look brills tomorrow XD See ya.
Goodnight all.
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