the ghost of your hand

Oooh i like this one too, but i dont dance[i just quoted HSM, tyvm. how disturbing.] Although you an still pretty much see the girl's bra cups undergarments, its still pretty sweet! Microphone tees are cute too.
2. Emilia has been over three times this week to study and to prevent me from knocking out. And laughing over paramore videos. Pigging out on famous amos cookies and what not. Good times.
3. Paramore lost out best rock video to Linkin Park's shadow of the day. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Although crush3 wasn't the best video/song they've done, it shouldnt have been linkin park. Give me some foo fighters anyday man.
4. Hayley's hair looked humongous at the VMAs. And josh actually looked pretty hot :) I mean, the shirt he was wearing wasn't too flattering on his chest reason, which was a pretty good thing. With the cleavage line and all! WAHAH.
5. PRELIMS SO FAR. HORRIBLE. I don't think i've ever been this ill-prepared for any kinda major exams, its been nerve-wrecking. I'm been burning midnight oil! And not getting anything back in return.
6. Oh im flunking a math and chemistry Goodbye world, hello 30 points for L1R5.
7. The Hush sound's touring with augustana, two of the best bands in the world. Yes i know, Sweet and Low just came out on radio, was shocked as hell when i heard it too. Maybe its just another 'Boston' fever, but till then i'll be singing along to that hit XP
8. I just thrashed Sarah G at minesweepers online game TWICE. who owns who man?! Sheesh getting kicks out of pathetic MSN games, we should be ashamed of ourselves.
9. IPOD-CHROMATIC IS OUT. it is fabulous.
16GB, $348. go check it out at I love the red/orange/green/purple. But the Cassic is 120GB and the same price. decisions decisions.
10. Victor W. is in singapore with two other world-class bassists next friday, and are performing at the esplanade. I dont know much about bass-playing, but you must know who he is. Its like Larry Carlton/Santana/Joe Satrini of electric guitar or dave weckl for drums, and Victr Wooden for bass. So its esplanade with Nick[who is quite a fanatic] and maybe ainsley next friday. YAY.
11. WHAT ON EARTH ARE WE DOING ON MONDAY?? someone tell me, anyone.
12. slept over at shanna's[sorry this is an edit since last night] on a friday night doing Bio MCQ and my Longman Physics text. I feel absolutely pathetic, but after all i have to get like FULL marks for my MCQ if i want to secure a good point. So here we are, 'cramming' for MCQ papers, yay.
13. Moving into the new room has been fineee so far. Except that there is currently nothing on the walls and it all looks very spartan. A few cans of paint and one or two paintbrushes later oughta change things!
14. Yesterday i asked shanna what was that process wherein gaseous exchange occurs in a plant because i had a momentary mind blank, and she said 'Ummm. Transextion.'
Go figure. [the right answer btw, is transpiration, people who actually care.]
15. Ton of New CDs to put in! A few tegan and sara records, Feist and a Fine Frenzy. I need Motion City Soundtrack! The song exhange with sarah yesterday was aussome, thanks a mil. SARAH G LIKES THE JONAS BROTHERS. sarah don't go there! Apparently they are ripping off collaborating with McFly. Who everyone is now currently quite insane about right now, whose fault that is i do not know.But sarah will always be the number one mcfly fan jah? Since primary school days XP
well this jonas brothers fever and debate sure is heating up here.
Now with the weekend. What to do, i wonder
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