Across the country
and leave passion trails behind.
You say this love
is not the true kind,
but there is so much left to discover.
I believe under the stars,
there are places to uncover,
spaces for us to be tangled,
under the pink pink moon.
So let's take that roadtrip
across the country,
Open the doors to guarded hearts,
Step across the lines
and sing our souls into the sunset.
______________________________ 14/9/08
Prelims are over, whoopdedoo.
Somehow this lack of satisfaction and enthusiasm is a little worrying. Anyway, from a massive shopping excursion cum post-exam party, we downscaled it into a movie. However that got too much and we went opposite school for lunch instead. It was pretty funny, how all we wanted to do was to go home and sleep. Last year, it would have been out and about after the last papers, but i suppose with all that studying and burning midnight oil[in abundant excess, if i may say so myself personally.], what we wanted must was rest.
So after an hour of sitting around and talking, we left.
Then someone tossed fifty cents into one of those ancient, hooville-noise-blaring machines and we got high.
The entire motley crew headed home after all the 'excitement'[what sad souls we are, really.] Went home to start my packing, got the green light from mom to paint the room! What to paint, that is the question.
Dinner at East Coast Park yesterday night for dad's birthday. Dad wanted some soy sauce and he beckoned towards a chinese-speaking waiter, although as everyone knows, he can hardly speak a full sentence of chinese. Conversation was as followed, as plainly as i remember.
Dad: wo, eh, ke yi you Si You?
Chinese waiter: *quizzical look on face. Deng yi xia. [wait a moment]
Mom: What did you just ask him for?! 'Si you'?!!
Dad: Yeah, i wanted soy sauce.
Mom: Then why did you ask him for PETROL?! Eh excuse me[calls waiter back], can i have Jiang Qin please?
Waiter: No problem.
So what we did learn for the night are the chinese words for 'Petrol' and 'Soy Sauce'. And you ask where my mono-lingual genes comes from. Ate lots, laughed at Japanese tourists, got sauce down the front of my shirt[which is a tradition really, from chilli-crab eating.]
Today at school was our youth missions and it started off a tad queer when we were sent to the MPR2 with the other express classes to listen to a bunch of people talk. But it was fun in the end. Tushy hurt to high heaven though, when we had to sit on the floor for three hours straight. Stuff like this tends to cut off all blood circulation. A forty-five recess, where of course the topic was graduation dresses and what not, joy! Not.
More hours watching Patrica and terry battle it out on front stage and various other activities. After school plans must have withered away somehow, we didn't go in the end but no matter. Instead i got hauled around by my over-excited mother at Parkway, who is lke a little KID i swear. This whole dress thing is certainly getting out of hand.
No doubt she'll probably CRY on saturday morning or something, the thought of it alone is enough for her to start spasming in front of relatives.
Alright goodbye for now all, till next time.
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