Pull apart these shield that seperates you and i,
And take the train to anywhere,
make the back of trucks our house,
yet i feel your heart,
is the only place like home.
Mud lanes in summer heat,
you left a card and a scar,
devoid of instructions to stitch myself up,
So let's end this tonight.
I'm no longer yours,
and you're no longer mine.
dropped by claudia's yesterday just before she headed off for Big Bang[GREAT SPY!]. was a bit too dazed and exhausted from the sleepover at shanna's to go with her, and besides mother dear wouldnt be all that happy.
Nothing really happened yesterday. Except Liverpool won the red devils! I try not to gloat too much but
did some boring mcq stuff before watching some online stuff[SHUT UP CLARE IM NOT A CLOSET BIMBO.] Mom wandered in a while later and tried to talk to be about my grad night and her promises to pay for a DRESS and pay me to wear it. She thinks i am going to embarrass her by not wearing a dress on grad afternoon! Besides, we will be clad in those hideous turqoise robes[which ms pilo neglected to show us late-exam finishers btw.] and no one will hell care.
Got a call and an urgent message from ains and jen respectively about Nick's arm. Apparently he was doing some roller-blading stunt when he fell down and broke his arm, and not in any way. The way ainsley described it was pretty grotesque, with the wrist being twisted 90degrees inwards. Surgery was pretty serious and stuff, phoooo.
So today was greeted by his humongous, bandaged arm.
So now we're short of a bass player for 1-3 months! Its really tough for nick whose bass is like the whole world to him[and to us too. not meaning to sound absurdly selfish, but with the shortage of musicians means we need all we can get.] so please pray for him! At least there's the bass concert next week to cheer him up XP
it was brills going back to GM! renovation over and the packing put aside, the place looked mighty spruced up!
Sorry i have to put some pictures of erica and her ELABORATE HEADPIECE up. so adorable.
Oh she also took this opportunity to tell the whole world about grad afternoon and the whole dress-fiasco thing. Being in a small church means news spreads fast, and now i have three shopping-dates with people/various groups that i do not intend to go for. Wow thanks a whole lot mom.
Went back to gran's. Dad also announced he wanted to visit one of his cousins because his wife just gave birth. Ah hell, who can keep track in the tans? So drove all the way across singapore see the happy family with grandma and rest of family, bearing gifts of mooncake.
Dad also made gran wear his raybans. heee. She scolded him in hainanese and hit his head, almost causing him to run a red light. Gee and you wonder where the family's aggressive traits originate from.
Went back home and slept alot.
OH YES we appeared on TV for like FIVE SECONDS. the whole nike 10km run thing was being aired on channel five and there was these two seconds we appeared, wherein over-excited lizzeh called to tell me she saw us raving like loonies in the front row. Ran to catch it and we were there again! Seriously, we looked rabid. Especially you clare, you looked like you were groping something in front of you[perhaps the photographer's ass?? go figure]. How flattering. Well still, unglam tv moments are better than no tv moments!
Still no idea what is going on tomorrow.
It is 1:43am and i'm the last person online. The night is still young folks! But the eyelids are betraying me by closing.
Goodnight all.
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