Hokay just a short update in the midst of prelims and its hellish timetables. I don't think i've ever been so unprepared for an exam before, but afterall as emilia said, it is the o-levels we're studying for, not prelims. So no stress ya'll, dont get them knickers in a twist!
Besides the entire emaths fiasco, which i really do not want to talk about, everything's been fine and dandy.
On sunday evening went over to Shan's to study and to eat homemade popiah. I am not a wrap-person, everything falls out of my popiah skin before a bite. Is it really that difficult to make popiah skin a little bit thicker?! Someone tell the popiah people! Watched camprock[or camppop, as emilia says it, rather aptly i must say.] with shanna and her sister. I personally, was astounded by the complete lack of storyline and horrendous music. And i have to say, as bad as the jonas brothers are in the music factor[sorry all j-bro fans like SARAH G AHHEM.], they are even worse as actors.
And do NOT get me started on the flaws of joe jonas, it will take a few centuries to list half of them down. What he really needs is an eyebrow wax, i would send one of those gillete shavers to america for him, but frankly he is not worth it. The worst was GUITAR-DUBBING, are you kidding me?! Stick to your tambourine, prett-ay boy!
If they got real rock legends like new found glory or the foo fighters to act in the show[but they wouldnt because a) the movie is something purely ridiculous to endorse in, and b) they have better things to do, like tour and play sold-out concerts than to act in some teeny-bopper teen flick.] i would be alright with it. But to get sellouts to play the part and naming the show campROCK is a complete insult to all the rock-purists in the world.
Was expressinging my dislike for the show blatantly throughout the not-so-enjoyable cinematic experience. The part where in joe j was attempting to play a beat on one of the congos with his a-cyclone-just-blew-across-the-room-destroying-nothing-in-its-path-but-my-hair look, we were laughing our heads off. Or when he cried on the set. Tres pathetique.
Had to shut off the telly before the 'LIVING THE DREAM' part started, one dosage of the jonas trio can be enough to kill.
anyway history was a easy peasy simple pimple. not. Bravado, don't you think?
Today went over the Renee's. Was hella tired and you could tell cause i did lotsa silly things. Like sit outside the toilet entrance thinking they were in the toilet but actually they went to order lunch. And sleeping with my chin EMBEDDED into my collarbone[how flexible thou is.] which resulted in bracing neck ache. I got a slapped by an ice-pack and didnt wake up, at least no falling off the couch episodes this time. Samster called and we had our conference for a while wherein she was completely immune to my voice, how bizzare.
Managed to convince emi and renee to play scrabble at around six o clock, ahahaha is was major fun. Emilia got a 45-pointer and thrashed us both, we had quite a few laughs, especially with my ridiculous words!
Emilia: Argh what on earth ends with an 'i' besides Yeti?[yeti was my word, you see.]
Renee: Oh tons. Like *starts to rattle on whole list of words that end with a letter 'i' because renee is smart like that and knows weird crap.
Me: Yeah yeah. Like um, 'micro'.
Them: WHAT?!
Me: You're talking about words that end with a letter 'i' right? MICRO!
Renee: Omg stacy are you sick?
Me: Whoops. I meant to say 'villi'.
Biology has infiltrated by mind, i swear. Exhausted people say the darnest things.
Went to get some kimchi for mother dear. I made her all guilty because of the buckets of money she is spending on pickled cabbages and she buckled[ahahhahaa] and got me some no-nut famous amos chocolate chip cookies. They are the perfect remedy with a glass of coke[i would say milk, but i cant.]
Now back to cramming chem. FOR THE NIGHT. eeks. goodnight all.
If it is anything that really annoys me, it is your lack of appreciation for what music really is. You do not deserve its beauty and solace, because you lack respect for it. I can ignore everything else, but this is one thing that i abhor.
If you could only be yourself, i'm sure people will like you alot more.
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