We leave, but we don't.
We leave handprints on the walls,
Smiles imprinted on faded photographs,
we're painting a potrait of our memories.
Even if this is gone,
i see you everywhere.
Stuck words at the back of my mind,
and the windchime laughter.
You are loudest silence
Ringing in my ears.
We leave, but we don't.
Someday we'll look behind
and see what a long trail we've left.
Don't forget.
These are the graduation pictures! Of course if you have facebook, you would have seen them already. But if you don't here they are. I'm baring my soul here people.
When we arrived in school was greeted by a myraid of people. Shanna also made me fall over by pushing me slightly. I was never cut out for heels, as you can very well note.
whoops, sorry. NOT.
Oh around this time they made us stand in the hot sun. I swear, we were baked in five minutes, under the thick, blue robes. The pissed-off phermones started to show when people started to swear incoherently and swing their fists towards mr siddiq and ms pilo. Like they knew how it felt like.

Graduation in the hall was a flop. Everyone was sweating because of the heat and the fans didnt look all festive and GRAND at all. the balloons were amusing, tho.

Nicolette made her speech with all the politically correct answers and going on and on and on and on and on about the awesome time in school with vunderful teachers. ETC ETC. If i could make a speech[which is virtually impossible anyway, due to my relegation to nobody.] on school, it would definately be more smashing. I will call it the great EXPOSE. be vair afraid.
Apparently the school can't even spell the name of the winner of the St Magdalene Award. Marvellous.

Ah this was the part where the chinese teachers delivered a heart warming speech. Mdm Heng kept pumping her fist in the air and other vigorious movements to somehow keep the spirit alive, it was quite amusing. However, the heartfelt message of the song was lost among the students, due to our chinese language inadequecies. Instead, i heard the parents cried their eyes out.
After two hours of profuse sweating and emilia shifting around the seat and making coarse comments about every single thing under the sky[okay, under the gold-and-white balloon arches which were faltering by the end of the ceremony.], it was OVER. thank god. They didnt show the graduation videos AS PROMISED. she can be such a $%#^@& mehhh.
My mom did. And genevieve's mother who practically sobbed her way through the entire ceremony.
Took lotsa pictures with mom and dad. My mom was being totally KS, and even though i told her not to cry about it during the ceremony, she did. Sheesh mom! Dad bought flowers, it was cute hahahaaa. thank you for making me feel so much better.

wow emi and my mom forged a new 'godmother-goddaughter' bond, it was quite scary.

the threesome a.k.a camwhores and co.
another one of the jellybaby.
Fried asses together again

Then we started to experimet on gladys' teensy eyes. I know it was mean, but it was still tres amusant!

smallest and biggest eyes, this photo was planned XD

this is a cool picture!

I only realised cherry's ridiculous face when i went home hhahaaa. thank you for the flowers, you all are really funny people!

cause we both had food in our mouth XD
FORCE-FEEDING RENEE. it is fun with shan around.

And you know the rest.
Went down the ice-cream chefs with pat sarah g renee and shanna. It was fabulous. i wore slippers, looked really weeyurd and outta-place but who cares really. Also, shanna stuck her finger into my eye. It was quite gross.
Went down the ice-cream chefs with pat sarah g renee and shanna. It was fabulous. i wore slippers, looked really weeyurd and outta-place but who cares really. Also, shanna stuck her finger into my eye. It was quite gross.
WHOOO. what a chore.
Yesterday and today we got back our results. Besides the usual bout of disappointment and the occasional suanning, it was pretty okay. I did badly for prelims, but all we can do now is look ahead and not make the same mistakes. My mom was really nice about my results, she put fresh lilies in my room when i told her i did badly![it was a nice smell but then it got waaay too strong and i had to put it outside in the middle of the night] thanks mom.
Went to study at church around five cause i slept a bit. Nicholas and mel were there already! First thing mel did was to steal my camera and look at grad night pictures. I wouldnt let nick see before he paid me ten bucks and he did! Wowers. With that broken arm he is so badly handicapped. Laughed like hell when he struggled to peel the straw cover off. Its so bad of us to make fun of someone else's plight and BROKEN spirit i know.
Also, we hid behind the male toilet doors and scared the bejeezes out of nick. He backed up and hit his arm against the wall hoooo boy.
Its 1230am!!
I just watched MTV LIVE PARAMORE. it was aussome. Jeremy looked hot and Zac was wearing shorts. Josh was flawless and hayley was absolutely brills as usual. What i would do to have been there.
Goodnight all.
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