It was quite simply, a blooming success.
Went down to city hall to meet emi clare and nicole at ben and jerry's. All calm and stuff, 'sustenance' is clare's new favourite word. So i will use it for her amusement, we had some good ol' sweet cream and cookies/cake batter ice cream as SUSTENANCE. lovely.
nicole started obsessing over the clare's a.k.a Fried ass' PSP.
Sarah came! and we decided to start operation blg: the great escape. Mucho funneth.
hordes of people in red shirts. 10 thousand of them!
bumped into this, um, strawberry with jeans on, and he/she gave me a bar! Chocolate and orange or something like that. something else to add to our supplies.
Headed to the padang to survey our surroundings first. the security was really tight, and the only entrances were where the runners could go in. So we went to inquire about tickets and got turned down by the people from the info booth.
went to see the runners first. maah goodness it was like a sea of red with the esplanade as a backdrop.
Lots of snazzy cars too.
had to re-evaluate our plans at 'Our Glorious dead' for a while till it started to DRIZZLE and we moped our way back to citylink. HMV for a while, while i continued to get the 'good cop bad cop' treatment from all the four of them because i refused to do a CERTAIN SOMETHING. MEHHH. we were that desperate, i can tell you that.
lizzeh i wanted to get this but it was 28.95 and i was low on the moolah, just like every other time.
OH MAH GOODNESS THEY GOT HIS NAME WRONG?! what an insult. it they spelt miley cryus' name wrong i woulnt have given two hoots, but a legendary guitarist extraordinare?! Terrible. so anyway to maintain the peace and also to get the four of them back to HMV[oh long story], i tried. But it didnt work.
Sarah G: OMG. OMG. i just saw paul. PAUL! HE'S RIGHT THERE!
naturally as she was having a nervy spaz right there, stalker instincts kicked in and i ran to get a picture. Thus the blur shots. But you know how ang mohs have extraordinarily long legs[oh and trust me, paul is vair tall. And hott.]and gallop away at amazing speeds. If it wasnt for this other bunch of girls who stopped him, i would have to be satisfied with these shots.
but caught up! Plucked up guts to ask for a picture and the asian-angmoh wannabe girl next to him said 'Hurry up, we only have time for one picture okay.' oh whatever, go boil yourself. It was kinda weird that we had to ask her to help take our picture later on. Very funny.
you can scream now. PAUL!!! and he doesn't look like an ape, lizzeh.
oh then emilia asked to paul to sign her cardboard board, oh cheesebuns it was funneh.
After we got over the initial shock[sarah G was about to cry from happiness, i swear.], the worry about not getting into the concert started to set in. it was around five thirty and suddenly all these sweaty people started to pour into cityhall MRT. So we threw aside our pride and started to literally BEG for passes to go in. Which most of them had already given away/didnt have due to limited capacity/forgot to bring. It took a lot of running about the plains of Our Glorious Dead and outside the padang before i got my very first ticket. Some idiot couple tried to sell tickets to us for ten dollars WTH.
Anyway, after alot of asking and near-grovelling moments for half-an hour, finally gathered passes for all of us. It felt fabulous.
YAY! got in. somehow we managed to lose nicole and emi in the process. Emi and her BOARD hahaha it was mighty hilarious, srsly.
Sarah and her ecstatic face. Or retarded haha.
making jokes on getting killed by the huuge camera.
awsm huh. was in awe at the splotches of red sweaty people all over. strangely, people were too busy dying at the first aid area/getting massages at holistics to rush in front. Are they insane? so we did, and got first row. Like, touchable-Martin-first-row.
first band out was this loser-ish chinese band that we had a real good laugh about. me clare and Sarah were practising our headbanging. Little did we know.
this DJ guy was fun tho. Admist all the lousy cheena rapping and bad music, he was groovin'!
Then Utt came out and started doing his introducing thing to us. It was only a few of us in the front at first waha, but then he started to throw out ipods! so we...
started making our signs and taking photos.
how subtle, nicole.
sarah drew a really fugly ipod. haha. sorry, its cute.
Well in short, the sign making was bloody worth it! Utt and Tia, the MTV DJs kept looking at the signs and making comments about it. THEY WERE TALKING TO US OKAY. and because the crowd was so damn lousy[which you cant really blame them for. They just ran ten clicks for crying out loud.] and we were hyper from that adrenaline rush, we went absolutely crazy. yes, even singing along to the lousy bands and acting weird. mediacorp cameras and phototakers were also filming masses of footage of us holding up the signs because we were the only ones who bothered. we r famous!
Then all the damn posers started to write stuff on paper plates and foolscap to copy us. Yesh. ANd when we were screaming and holding up our signs, they were just standing. Talk about half-hearted posers who probably only know ONE song from the album sheesh.
Some weird MC came up in a really fugly jacket, but once again we endured and played along with his little 'yo! yo!' games.
Utt and Tia[taya]out again to while time away.
A really good band came out. They did a jason mraz cover [Im yours what did you expect?] and some the Falalala song which clare knew all the words too. It was fun!
Around this time sarah G spotted Paul emerging from one of them tents and let out a scream. that girl has too good a pair of eyes on her for her good, because soon all the posers were squealing and having fits as the news spread. Whatever people, we got a picture with him XD
if you look really closely you can see...
crowd at seven fifteen. We had been hanging on to the yellow banister for an hour and a half but was still FULL OF ENERGY. whoots!
they gave out the prizes to the winners of the NIKE 10km run. people made it to the finish line in a mere half hour?! WTH. the top guy made it in 24 minutes, it was quite amazing. While we huff and puff in the middle of 2.4 like an old steam train, there are human freakzoids like this who astound us.
Next up DJ inquisitive. He was the best DJ of the night really, we were DANCING like crazy. While everyone just stood there and left steadily. He was kinda cute too XP.
more prize givings. this time was to schools. I wonder why our school didnt join, oh yes, VECAUSE WE DONT HAVE A TRACK TEAM. sheesh. Anyway, serangoon JC won first price and the second-rowers all started to scream. so now we know the ahlians with heavy makeup were serangoon jc-ers. Nicole was like 'Omg, this is why we should never go there.'
as much as i hate to say it, Utt is hott. even if he is a pompous ass. Even with bleached hair!
Next band up was DJ koflow or someshite. he was boring as hell. But we caught his CD! the guy on trumpet was cool. We had a good laugh imitating the girl who sang the 'Fever' remix, it was mighty funneh. She looked half dead and had an ELABORATE HEADPIECE on, or so pointed out by clare. Wow, EL lessons do come in handy, even at a concert!
FREE CD! snagged it!!
one of the defining moments of the night: me and nic managed to snag an ipod nano! With the help of our brilliant sign, that is. Rosalin from 98.7 came out with a couple more ipods, which was the cue for the crowd to scream[which was sadly, one of their ONLY motivations to do anything more than stone.] and naturally we held up the board. Then she said 'WOW. since these guys took all the trouble to make the sign... I'll give it to them.'
Hahaha it was fabbity fab. And emi is the new owner of a 4GB ipod, since we all have an Apple product or another. YAY!
The great Spy came out, like FINALLY, after we kept yelling 'GREAT SPY! GREAT SPY!'. honestly, was getting pretty sick of DJ koflow and his awful remixes. They were great! the drummer was srsly awsm, spazzing away like hell. we check out their albums soon, jah?
ONE of the copycats. MEH
Utt Tia and some other sponser started to throw out nike shoes! They are rich mon. then utt took the another shoe out from the frontal region of his pants and the male ego started to surface, and all the girls were screaming for that damned shoe. EW. I wouldnt touch anything that has Utt's ball sweat on it, thankyouverymuch. even if he IS utt.
One more beatboxer came on and then Utt and Tis got talking about 'The great escape'. Tia was supposedly in it! Which is something that i have yet to check out: Note to self, scrutinise each face in TGE video later. By this time we were all exhausted and covered in a slimy sheen of sweat, swing water and god knows what else. So when Tia announced 'PLEASE WELCOME BOYS LIKE GIRLS...' it was pure pandemonium.
WE WENT ABSOLUTELY FERAL. wow, paul was hott hott hott. And surprisingly was the bassist. Martin's eyes were shocking blue, it was so completely surreal i almost forgot we were in a crowd of sweaty, screaming people.
First song was[if im not wrong,] Heels over head. There's this awsm feeling you get when you're in a concert crowd singing along to this band you've been loving for the longest time. When you know all the words and its the right song for that right moment and you're singing along. It was just beautiful, no other words to describe it.
Martin was using an Ibanez Les Paul! with ebony inlays, it was beautiful. And also a myraid of others, like an Orange 'bunny' series. Paul had the usual fenders and gibsons, being the lead G.
PAUL. sorry his hair looks abit BIG, the blur-ity of it all. mom says he looks like a monkey! Argh mom if you were in front of him, you would have chucked away all your korean drama dudes and LUNGED at him okay.
bryan in the background headbanging.
They played Five Minutes to Midnight and it was pure awsmness. Then it was dance hall drug, which was equally good.
PAUL. again.
Initially with all that hair over his head, bryan looked like a hobo. BUT NOT ANYMORE. he was probably the most energetic and potential melt-worthy dude on stage.
the next part was really awesome cause martin came close and you could actually see his BLUE BLUE eyes. awestruck!
the best part, even with a tight shirt, he doesnt have moobs. like *cough cough JOSH farro. And the ruffled hair wakakakaz.
No the better part was that he reached out and we touched his hands! LIKE WOWERS. even though it was sweaty and stuff, i was like touching an angel's hand. Fresh from heaven's oven.
WAIT. the BEST PART was that we held out the oh-so-useful sign and he threw the pick at us! picked up the yellow square of plastic from the floor, and now its a little momento from the awesome moment. With Martin's hand sweat onnit. cool.
Martin after he throws the bottle of opened water into the crowd. poor person who gets soaked, whoever you are.
and then singing Broken Man, and hero/heroine. Fabulous.
check out the orange guitar. pretty aint it?
LAST SHOT BEFORE MY CAMERA DIED. if i had my spare battery it would have been great but NOOO i didnt. yelch.
Anyway, last song was thunder, which EVERYONE knew. too much radio time and you get this. Utt and Tia came out and of course the crowd did the whole 'encore encore!' thingy and they HAD to get out and play...
If we were crazy before, this was the time where we went ballisticsimus. The barricades almost broke down from the excitement. Paul's solo was fabulous, and we almost touched him ahaha. But all that fun had to come to an end. John started to throw out his drumsticks and of course sarah g was lucky enough to snag one. with the help of the poster hahahah!!!!!!
those signs work miracles, im telling you.
So we left with lots of freebies. LOTS. it was quite simply one of the best concerts i've been at, awsm fun. Next time we'll make bigger posters and get more ipods ufufufuf. Sat down outside and was one of the last ones to leave. Got drinks and all, so exhuasted from all the hype. I had serious whiplash from all the headbanging, my neck still hurts now. woah.
Utt and Tia and the whole crew came by when we sitting at the steps outside padang and said hi to us. It doesnt hurt to stay behind a bit.
Went back home and slept till this morning ten-ish till i got awaken by stacey calling me on the autograph session at HMV heeren. but that is another story to tell, because i've just spent four hours doing this post and am very sick of photobucket.
Hugs and autographs from BLG! HUGGSSS!! WHOOTS.
Goodnight all.
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