my mom thinks im too obsessed with dis'Boyz liek gals'. You should hear her when i came back with the CDs and stuff written all over my arms. 'Stacy, you're being too consumed by all this pop culture! What about your exams, you tell me?'
I know you mean well mom, but if you think this is obsessed, wait till paramore comes to singapore.
Yesterday got a call from Stacey at around ten plus, asking me to go for the signings. The whole guilt trip of not studying for half the day started to set in steadily, but in the end i got convinced to go. Eeeks im sorry mom! and also to the voice of wisdomosity a.k.a renee.
So headed down to HMV heeren to meet the lads.
There was like a whole bunch of SAC girls. umm kay.
Jaslin was like 'WTH' through the entire thing. I suppose she felt abit bored in all the hype, and stood there with her arms crossed the entire time. She helped to sign noelle's CD okay, so be very happy. Anyway, it was tres funneh to see her like that.
got into the heeren, seperated from the rest. Oh it was exciting. Stacey almost had a nervy spasm, the polar opposite of Jaslin. HAHA.
Alright so in fear that my camera would once again RUN OUT OF BATT, kept the shutters off for about twenty minutes till they announced BLG was in the house!
sarah G decided to ring just at that moment. They came in late and stood at the side!! but because they didnt have the passes and didnt want to join the queue at the back, so we let them cut in. lucky shites as usual. Thank god the people around us/behind us where all SACians, anybody else would have created this huge ruckus which would be equivalent to a mini bitch fit.
OKAY. it happened too fast. But in short i managed to get hugs from martin and paul! so very lucky. Marilyn was in front of me, she asked for a hug from martin timidly and when martin OBLIDGED, she let out a this high-pitced squeal and jumped like INTO HIS CHEST. and i was behind like 'OMG...' could almost see the words 'Woah singapore girls are daring...' flashing in his mind.
wth he doesnt even smile. Haha but its okay, hot guys have an excuse not to.
PAUL PAUL PAUL . wahahahahahah.
Next shots are just paul paul paul.
someone made funkay glasses and made them wear it! ahaha. so cool.
paul! hugging someone ese yelch.
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