to new skins and sins alike,
Delve into my dreams,
Replicate and fabricate.
You are my poet,
Disguises in twilight,
Writer of pastlives
Do you enjoy catching me off guard?
So much.
As a vair short summary of thise awesome week, i...
1. Have been used as a human-dummy[contradiction?] assault-ee in CMECS class, much to the amusement of everyone. Why me?! I must have looked like an absolute numbskull shuffling around the front, without the aid of my speckys. ARGH. and i still have a cut from wear the dude pushed me down. And i though he looked a little like a nerd.
2. Pole-danced to one of afiqah's ah lian songs during band's bonding session with imma-ruffle-your-hair-Shiyi. Shi yi has quite a spot of talent there, yes?
3. Organized my 3000+ photos and assorted videos onto this new/old lab.
4. Sent 412 messages out to an assortment of people. IN A WEEK. my thumbs are going to swell into large baubles before long. No, my entire hand will just become a thumb, but very nimble thumbs. Which is not much of a concession.
5. Read through the entire twilight to refresh my memory. TRES BORING. had to force every word down my throat, but this is all for anticipation of breaking dawn.
6. Went to Prett-ay Patt-ay's house twice with Stacey and relieved my childhood memories on the swings.
7. have gotten over the worst of the concert blues.
8. Dissed the click five and the J brothers in front of Clauds, and yet did not garner any violent response. She must be seeing the light.
9. Got called by ms voon a record of nine times in a single biology class by ms voon for many SO-CALLED reasons.
10. Gotten inspired by ms martens twice in a week. All i can say is she owns the asses of all the lians/twits/bimbos in our school. About time someone actually did something about it.
11. Had a sudden, renewed epiphany on the vunderfulness of paramore.
12. Spoilt Breaking Dawn for a few people.
13. Wrote a few letters, all worth having a few tears over.
14. Sort of lost-it at fabeha. I am at wits end, do not blame me.
15. Stared at a math formulas/physics notes/biology papers alot, and woke up sprawled on the table.
16. made the horrendous mistake of letting Nicole-marie ng doodle on my neck. Just because i drew a smiley face at the back of her's when she was snoozing. And had to find various ways to diguise the smudged heart[that looked like a very bad hickey!], like wrapping my head with toilet paper and covering it up with a purple post-it[courtesy of vatsaloo.]
17. Gone sugar-high a fair number of times. I wonder what booze will do to me, if sugar alone can make me and J do air guitar on the slumpy bed.
18. have managed to round up some boy-crazy people during a particularly slack physics class, consisting of Sarah G, sarah Eew, Patti, Renee, Sam[er not really, but she was around XD], etc etc. And made awesome lists. Out soon!
19. Debated Sarah Anne's raging hormones and hearing her say 'OMG i'm worried about myself.' So hilarious.
20. had quite alot of fun.
So it has been quite a happening school-week.
I am so very worried for my studying habits. Point fifteen is really really very very true. Today i tried studying at T3 with shanna and all i did was three a math questions from chapter two and wrote down the laws! That is so so unproductive. But i was really tired... sheesh always sleeping during study sessions! I promise i shan't tmr!!!!
Renee will make me work hard, i am sure. She is a workaholic herself. But thank you for feeding my sugar-obsession.
Oh yeah, thursday was supposedly SPA, which i was totally freaking out about. Then i realised a left my pencil case in the music room the previous day... to busy having serious laughing spasms, watching Mandy twirl around the music room floor on her stomach, belting out umbrella. So shanna lent me hers and turns out there's no SPA URKKKKS.
Well in short, now i have orange smiley faces on all my pens. what else to expect?
Fabeha also didnt come today. Bio was quite a blast, i forgot how noisy me and SAL can be when we sit next to each other.
Someone help us complain!!!
We watched Kung Fu panda in cheenany class.
Oh some pictures from baking on monday/tuesday, i cant really rmb.
taking turns on the bright orange ball. haha!

I have dancing blood in me.
Just jamming out on the guitar and piano. good times.

We thought renee's house was clean till emilia happened to stumble upon this rather gross sight....
We thought renee's house was clean till emilia happened to stumble upon this rather gross sight....
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