So rare and fleeting.
We are wasting days and nights
on simple songs,
they say,
we shouldn't be here,
we shouldn't be wasting all our time and colour,
this young and beautiful vigour.
But this i love.
Sultry summer heat,
Singing to blue moons.
This i love.
Journal entry
In lieu of the upcoming concert preperations and double-day whammy of amounted stress, i am just blogging extra. Pictures at the end of the concert! It will be a hell to upload. Note to self: Must remember to ask amanda to teach me how to use photobucket. I'm such a tech-geek, shiezer.
Today's performance in the morning was not as bad as i expected. Of course, it was with less than half the band, half the dancers and we weren't doing the intro, hallelujah. Feeling slightly less than just 'groggy' and getting vertigo just by standing up too fast.
Stacey has been christened CHEWY, by yours truly. Besides the slipping bassdrum, modern dancers who stuck their fingers in their ears because it was um too loud and my anxiety/panic attack from forgetting to do chemistry WB, it was fiiiine.
I think stephanie is vair bold. If i had to do something half-as-dramatic in front of a thousand-odd, i would simpley collapse.
A myraid of scoldings. Natasha's stories on Geography classes is enough to make you laugh till you pee, and we all thought SS was bad enough. UFUFUU. Biology was a good choice, i could sense it right from the start.
we were supposed to have some polishing-up practise for Dhoom[the worst song known to mankind, brace yourselves.] and combined with ID-ers. But of course, mr J had to insist we go home by five. Um right. Obviously he isn't the one polishing those disgusting, filth-ridden surdos, or trying to wrap the timpani in a myraid of very tearable-material. Instead we were made to walk up and down from the wings of the phantom orchestra pit while shaking tambourines. Talk about wasting time. What's the point of doing these minute adjustments when our music isn't even right? Someone tell him!
Nevertheless, the dress-up timpani section was quite fun. Having some very dizzying and crazy moments with Afi4, she is hilarious.
except by younger sister failed math again. Good grief, this is horrendous. I wonder if this means i am fired from my position as her tuition teacher, which means a substansial cut to my weekly-income.
Exploring the labyrinths of Victoria Theatre with someone like marilyn[who has the useful skill of getting us into HUGE trouble and then skittering off, leaving me to explain to the teachers-on-charge.] will be somewhat of an adventure. crazy photos, jah!
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