Then she asked us to devise a Safe Haven in groups, which was quite funny and stress relieving. This is copied from Janna, she has quite a memory of what happened.
Me: My safe haven would have rainbows and sunshine and flowers.[sarcastically. well, i meant that, as least.]
Fabeha: That was my idea. And the chocolate factory.
Ruoen: My safe haven would have children, but they'll all be mute.
Us: huh why??
Ruoen: so I can watch them play and not have to hear any noise. (WHAT!!!)
Janna: My safe haven would be a fantasy island filled with pastel colours, rainbows and butterflies.
Me and Fabeha: You mean like in Strawberry Shortcake?
Janna: YES, my safe haven will be a cartoon land!
Me: In our safe haven, we should be able to eat all we want and NEVER GET FAT! A fat-free land.
Us: Yesss!!
Me: Okay so that'll be in the central area of our jointly-shared safe haven.
Janna: I wanna live in the sky. (Draws a cloud)
Me: Yeah, me too!!! No no, I want to live underwater!!! (Draws bubbles)
So on and so forth.
After group discussion comes to a close... janna starts to daydream and build on her fantasy world.
Janna: Oh! We should draw a door in the middle of our safe havens, then we can go to each others' worlds.
Me: (thinking she's got a screw loose somewhere) Janna, Janna, it's not real. Deal with it. Are you dealing with it?
Was quite mortified when everyone began belting out model answers like 'oh, we should have respect for one another's opinion in safe haven' and 'Where everyone should find LURVE[sarah anne, oh my.]' and etc etc. Sister Christine was none too pleased when we proposed the fat-free land, although the class generally found it a good idea! That is a totally safe and happy island. Instead, the sister launched into a logical explanation why there is no way a safe haven could be fat-free, like it was against some physics law or blah. Sheesh.
History was equally, if not MORE hilarious. I think we have more or less become accustomed to Mdm Chan's bizarre traits.
Chinese listening Os were freaky deaky.
Everyone looked like it was a breeze, but i found it tons hard. Mehh, bigg-o suprise-to. But HALLELUJAH, chinese is behind us. Yay-eroons. And now i will be on full anxiety-mode, awaiting to see if i flunked my first completed national exam. Good times, again.
Oh Rin is hilarious, and picks up fast as well. NEON, can you believe it? She makes me laugh my pants off.
Lizzeh you are saying baddie words too often nowadays TSK TSK TSK. i shall have to tell your mommy! and whoops, its in my CD case, i just checked. next time then! lather your mouth with bars of soap, tyvm.
Seven tests the next two weeks, two of them o-level practical examinations. Yipperonis.
P.S Sarah bareilles should seriously consider seperating her single eyebrow if she wants more fans and more hit singles, that's all i'm saying.
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