She's a problem to solve,
and in the circle she's making
I will always revolve
And on her sight
These eyes depend
Invisible and Indivisible
That fire you ignited
Good, bad and undecided
Burns when I stand beside it
Your light is ultraviolet
Visions so insane
Traveling raveling through my brain
Cold when I am denied it
Your light is ultraviolet
Ultraviolet by the Stiff Dylans
I will go spasmatic simply thinking about aaron johnson. I don't think i've ever been that hyped up over SOME movie[especially some stereotyped 'chick' flick] ever but this one is going to be terrific. I can tell because only the HOTTEST GUY IN THE WORLD IS INNIT.
Today was pretty slack. Assembly was the usual bustle. I can't stick our new vice though[not as bad as slim, but STILL.]. She talks to us like six year olds. A typical addressing of the school
starts with
'GIRLS.... what do you have to bring tumorruw????
'Let me give you a hint gers[girls. abdominable i say.]. It's temperature taking tumurrow right? so what do you gers haf to bring???
*silence. More acid-filled stares from student population.
'Gers... answer me.... gers...'
Good grief.
What does she expect, a chorus of angels voices echoing around the parade square, saying 'THERMOMETER'? Obviously, this is not the way to earn anyone's liking around. Ms Martens got our attention by respecting us as proper grown-up human beings instead of toddlers, and now we listen to her every word. Doubt anyone can do the same, tho.
EL lessons are always fun with fabeha around, then comes science/math and she gets all glacial and serious. But no matter, conversations are funny anyway. So we were amiably DISCUSSING, or in ms KK's case, scolding us for our limited vocabulary, about the grand canyon and such.
Ms Kang: GIRLS... what do you use to describe the grand canyon???
Random people say: eh spectacular... awesome... majestical... incredible...
Ms Kang: NO NO! fine, okay maybe in incredible. But incredibly what girls?? something else must be added to it to make it adequate!
Random People: awesome? great?
Ms kang: NO!
fabeha: Oh my god what does she want from us?
Ms Kang: think girls think!
Fabeha: Incredibly DEEP! that's what it is.
And so forth.
Very boring.
Surfing the secret website told to me by AMANDA!!! The photos are really artistic and professional, but there are occasional nudity innit. So while going through the 3702 pictures, mom suddenly walked past and saw one of the pictures and half-shouted: 'STACY, IS THAT A BREAST?!'
Oh bother, now my mother thinks i'm looking at professional porn online. Nothing i say will convince her otherwise.
Whatever. At least i wasn't the one who broke the steel ladder. and yet refuse to admit its your own fault!
Oh tmr there's some ACJC drama DEP final year showcase for individual skill and Jen is innit. Unfortunately there's BAND sheesh and double sheesh, so its impossible to hurry down to the other side of SG. Good luck to you then Jenny, break a leg!
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