A poet in itself,
If you're afraid to say,
I'll spell it out in cold breath,
soul bared on platforms.
I'm not ashamed to say
that these windchimes sing
me and you back home,
back to what we thought we could be.
back to where we should be,
snapshots in the wind.
And now all we have is city lights
and these cold cold lips,
too afraid to speak the truth.
Now i know.
During class today i wished fabeha the same greeting.
Me: happy independence day!
Fabeha: what? *the death glare, i can't really be bothered look.
Me: It's the fourth of july! fireworks and the shizz at the other side of the world.
Fabeha: Oh. right. And that is sooo relevant to us midgets stuck in Singapore because...?
Me: I don't know. It's like us celebrating Hanukah. Except that we're not jewish.
Fabeha: Of course,because i can totally piece that nonsensical theology together.
It is rather tough trying to hold a conversation that lasts more than five minutes with someone who has the attitude of a glacial sphere. Although sarah anne was annoying of sorts[all sorts. and still is infact, she finds ways to spead her annoying-ness even from the far corner of our classroom.] she was amiable to talk to.
Went home and read book 5 of Confessions of Georgia Nicolson. It is fab! It is one of those radical, life-changing books that you come along once or twice in a lifetime. While i'll been accused of being superficial and SHALLOW by a few bold individuals when they spotted me holding a bright pink book with hearts printed on it, i will not be discouraged. Merde to you, i say!
Among many things, the book has encouraged me to learn numerous things, like how to swear in french and the english' Lingo so that i will not be a total goosesgog[HA!] when i hang around london. And how to laugh again. WOW-wee.
Spent the whole morning watcing free online movies[the shizzle!] and trailers of 'Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging.' I CAN'T WAIT I CAN'T WAIT I CAN'T WAIT. The sex god a.k.a robbie has the most intoxicating british accent and sings in the brilliant band called the Stiff Dylans. Not the mention the stiff dylans are literally four gorgeous dudes from contemporary music schools in Britian. Ah. Tom however, is a total disappointment. As is Jas, but she can't help it, cause she's just a boring old wotsit who thinks grocer boys are hot.

Whoo and that's the Sex God/robbie doing goodness knows what but still oozing with sex-goddiness. WHOOTS!!
15 MORE DAYS TILL ITS OUT!! we should all go to watch it together. That is, all fans of Georgia Nicolson books, sarah G[the angel sent from the heavens to spread us the good word of Nunga-nungas], tricia, Joy and Patricia. We'll ooo and aaah over the Sitff Dylans and take pictures in the theatre and have Let's Go Disco fits all of a sudden.
Need to start doing the things off my list. So packing cupboard, here i come!!!
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