Thursday, July 10, 2008

Finally, some good news and rollickin' times to pass the old.

Firstly, the biggest CONGRATS to Nicole-Marie for getting into the finals of PESA!!! Wow i am doubly-proud of you. So awesome. I am a friend of a future world-renowned public speaker/lawyer/lecturer/professor, my kids will know your name rest assured.

After all the class drama that happened today... man.

Future ambition is to set up a literal School-of-rock!

LIZZEH no stress yes? All you gotta do is pray about it and vent your anger by headbanging to some crappy disco music and have one of our therapy sessions[SLEEPOVER!]. Some people may not give tuppence on your problems and don't want to hear your rantings, but you got me! So be happy. I bet you'll do swell in your Food and Nutrition HAHAHAHA.

CCA two days in a row, YIPPEROOS!

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