First day of the rest of my life started on dreary monday morn. Spotting my sister clad in a silver-ish, high-slitted, cheong sam+PE shots DID NOT brighten up the already dull morning. I already had a bad feeling about it, and i was not to be disappointed at all.
Assembly kicked off with ms martens in a bad mood because of our school's population failure to cough up a single note of the school song[surprise surprise!!], and then came a whole lot of bad feedback. Suddenly, stephanie and another girl started raving like fresh lunatics and doing a lot of that high-pitched screaming, and proceeded to run off the stage. Apparently, it was all part of an act put up by the mders. I forgot the script somehow, although it was funny. But the last part, natasha from 4.9 said something hilarious behind me.
MD-er 1: Yes, its priced at 15, 20 and 25 dollars only![ONLY?! sorry.]
MD-er 2: Oh wow, i would love to go for it!!!
MD-er 3: But we better hurry and get one, before that looney-balooney[refering to stephanie koh, none the less.] gets them all!!!!! HURRY!!!! *Starts to run down stage shouting in frantic excitement. more high-pitched shrieks.
Natasha: [*half-shouting over the noise and screams] Oh god, gets them all? She only needs one, duh!
Anyway, the racial harmony thingey started. In short, it was quite a massive flop, although it did provide us with some entertainment value. The part where my sister ran down the red carpet with toilet paper stuck to her left shoe, i did not find funny at all. Apparently, everyone else did.
Everyone else seemed to find it funny as well when she started to do some little dance to Shake It and TWYG. I am mortified, and she has quite ruined both songs for me. I have gone off the riot record for now, the visions of twinkling silver dresses and toilet paper are too much to bear.
Sheri: And now... THE FASHION SHOW!!!! there are four secret judges in the audience watching! [etc etc, drone drone.]
Fabeha: OH MY GOD that's me! I'm one of them!
Me: I knew it!
Fab: Oh, i'm such a critique!
Cut short drastically by ms martens. just when the fun began. oh.
Ummm EL was again funny. Joy and Janna started to share something about 'weird' names in Singapore, such as guys being called 'Woody' and 'diva', and as usual, me and fabeha has out back-of-the-classroom conversation.
Fabeha: I can totally emphatize with these people.
Me: why? your name is okay what.
Fabeha: Um no. Its fine when you're in my country, but i'm not in my country, im in Singapore! Studying in a convent school full of people with english names. FABEHA! seriously!
Me: Good point.
Fabeha: And with a bloody american accent! What's wrong with me?!
And then the pictures with those elaborate headpieces. Was quite a sight when ms Kang put the picture up and we saw a myraid of purple butterflies moulded to be somesort of model's hat. Of course, we didnt think it was a hat at first, just a random flock.
Fabeha: Wow, that girl must have a hell lot of nectar on her head.
me: OMG. *laughs like a maniac.
Instruments shifting with half the band and then went to Changi AIrport with Shanna to eat and scout for MD presents. Garh. what a waste of money. We had a laugh, mr Ramlee sat within metres of us in popeye's, in his very[i mean, slightly.] fag-garb.
E math test and combined tmr! Makeup and shifting instruments in a black vest, just what i needed. And three parties to plan, with the concert up! Plus all the numerous tests and exams and tutorials and a math homework.
Goodnight all.
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