Uh huh, its a collective HOTT GUY top ten list from a carefully selected group of very experienced Analysts. But don't get all pissy if your ten guys didnt make it here, democracy is very important. So here we go.
10. Jim Sturgess

Acted in 21 and the so-called acclaimed film, Across the Universe. Which none of us but Sarah G has heard of and demands that we watch it. He's not that good looking, just has a rather cute charm XD
9. Wentworth Miller

I only have one thing to say: Too bad he's gay. Vair gay.
8. Channing Tatum

7. Josh Duhamel

6. William Mosely

Except: WHY?!
Why him and not skandar Keynes?!
Blow democracy, this is quite an outrage. Onto the next one.
5. Dougie Poynter
Sorry, he gets two pictures because Sarah G provided me with so many awesome pictures i just couldnt choose!! Argh. Happy now?!

Quite breath-taking, right?
Heatwave, alright.
4. Aaron Johnson

i couldnt find any better picture except ones i have posted before. Oh he would have thrown a top three if he didnt PERM HIS BLOODY HAIR. He does a very good imitation of a broccoli head right now. Angus Thongs!
3. Steven Strait.

Acted in Undiscovered and the Covenant. Another one of those non-quite photogenic sort. You MUST watch the movie to taste the awesomeness of Strait. Even is he did have black pupils and have the uncanny habit of leaping off 200-metre cliffs, he does enter top three XD
2. Oliver James

The guy who acted in what a girl wants[his most famous role.] and also Raise your voice. Was my screensaver for quite a while in the earlier days. And plus... HE'S A MUSICIAN. scores brownie points for that.
What an angel. Not only is he good on screen, but is VERY VERY PHOTOGENIC.
If i had a choice i would put tons more pictures, but the other panel of analysts would cry foul.
Quite literally, SMOKING HOT.
What part of him doesnt scream out VAMPIRE?!
The twilight issue again, my blood boils when visions of that awful Robert Pattison being cast over Ulliel. He and his disgusting voice, lousy acting and GINORMOUS forehead. Or fivehead. Hahaahaaaa...
Enough of bad casting. Ulliel!

Make sure to join us in the next voting! As i always say, seasons change but hotness prevails!
i must say you are right on target when it comes to gaspard ulliel...but you probably already know that. I have yet to watch Hannibal Rising (already saw silence of the lambs...) but now I'm so excited to watch his creepy hotness!!! that sounds quite weird...
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