Its been a long weekend. I have been working hard to simply upload the whole bunch of pictures[almost three hundred were taken that day, mind you, but im only loading up a fraction.] blogger picture uploading is complete insanity, really!
Alright so woke up at the crack of dawn so as to go to temasek poly. Our first sports day that isnt hosted at tampines stadium, or some lousy venue of the like. I had to rely on directions from a steady stream of people to get myself and my sister there. I also managed to trip on the spiral-thing that leads to the second floor or buses, in front of a dozen or so sleepy SACians. Eeks.
Green house!
I, on the other hand, have this quarter shape on my forehead and left cheek because of my fringe. How very lovely.
face painting begins!
ahahha janna has five dimples, if anyone noticed! we counted them at pat's house like ages ago. That girl has too many muscles in her face, i can assure you.
the stars on everyone's faces were pretty! mostly painted by samster.
Okay everyone should take notice of renee's eyes from this picture onwards. Or the absolute lack of it XP laugh time!

Okay this one shows effort but not all of it.
Still closed. XD
Gen you are hilarious haha!

See this is what happens when you don't eat enough and become unable to perform simple human functions like lift your eyelids.
a successful one!
i left my camera with an assortment of people, so they went crazy with it, there are pictures with people i don't even know innit! how bizzare.
Ah amanda moey just before she crosses the line at the 100m race. She was that far ahead! amazing much?
Sarah funny was throwing jagabee pieces out to everyone. how very generous.
Gen was supposed to be poking the ball, but some red people walked in on my brilliant plan and it ended up like this. ah wells!
Our push ball team! who made it real far this year!
marilyn waiting for her turn XD
OH! i found out the truth of my missing camera and phone SAGA during the concert because of sharon's slip of ze tongue. So i did guess right. But because of the event and because its long over, i shall let it slip by me.

woaaah! cool move clare!

Emi was into the game man!

no i didnt almost kick the girl's face.
anyhoos, we won the first match with a score of 3-1 and headed back to the stands. SAL's 'make-up' peeled off, i laughed my butt off when i saw two strips of green hanging off her cheek! hilarious.

our 8x50 runners! haha they were awesome! team made up of pei rong, sharon[wow, bombarded us with speed despite lack of height! love ya haha!] jannabanana[the only time i've seen her run!], joyjoy, Renee[who managed not to faint halfway through it.] steph and Gen-ny. OF COURSE NICOLETTE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. see see!!!
my camera has inferiority complex whenever it sees randi's awsm camera.
Went to wach united we move final playoffs. our team got third!! whoots. Alongside to amanda's 100m win, pei yi's second position in the 50m, 4x100 second place and 8x50 third. Things were really looking up XD
Sarah G was one of the happiest person i saw that day HAHA!

Oh then the five of us decided to take a walk around the stadium and take stupid pics.

oh my i cant keep my eyes open either. can't tell for shanna's tho haha. 
this one was quite a success.

OH! i found out the truth of my missing camera and phone SAGA during the concert because of sharon's slip of ze tongue. So i did guess right. But because of the event and because its long over, i shall let it slip by me.
finally it was our turn to play soccer! i really look forward to this everytime haha! So very fun. especially when your team consists of an insane auntie/gu niang like clare who has flailing arms and leg, emilia the motivator and also very fierce coach, faith the nonchalant midfielder plus me and SAL in front.
anyhoos, we won the first match with a score of 3-1 and headed back to the stands. SAL's 'make-up' peeled off, i laughed my butt off when i saw two strips of green hanging off her cheek! hilarious.
Ah this was our second game. only one shot managed!
Went to wach united we move final playoffs. our team got third!! whoots. Alongside to amanda's 100m win, pei yi's second position in the 50m, 4x100 second place and 8x50 third. Things were really looking up XD
first of the magnificant jumpshots.
to jump or not to jump, that is ze question.
Sam: Er okay i'll try.
Renee: i look retarded.
Sarah anne imitating a cancer patient with that awful blue hat.

omg emi you look positively bald!

gerry refused to redo the face paint after she scratched hers off. so it ended up looking like that! awful huh... lol!
then someone screamed we should go down and roll around in the [artificial]grass. Ah that was me. so we did!

adeline and SAL were like fighting over who lies on whose thigh while i slept on gerry's belly at the other end. i sleep anywhere, really.

left for the third match. and left my camera in the hands of joy and gen... what a mistake haha.

gerry srsly looks like a vampire. well, she'll make a better edward cullen then robert pattison, that's fo' sure.


Nic attempting to split in the air??

joy doing goodness knows what haha!
watched the match between 5.2 and the teachers. it was quite funny. i thought we could have played a better game and gone to battle the teachers, but ah well. it was fun while it lasted. we got third place tho!
um, i wouldnt do that if you paid me.

so that was about the entire sports carnival. It was quite rushed, but really fun as well XP then came the time for announcing the winners. In short, our class won CLASS CHAMP!!!! WHOOTS. reminded me of sec 2.8 days, jah? and then they announced house champion which was US!!!! maddelena!!!

we were one of the few classes who bothered to stay back and take class photos.

this jumphsot was pure awsm-ness. the standing-hair made everyone about five inches taller, really.

these two had an obsession with cartwheels, so had to take till it pleased them. which of course, never happened.
LOL. miss kang looks very unprepared. I think she was having some sugar-high moment whilst reading the announcements for prizes, getting all hyper and making jokes haha! Must be caught up in the moment of casual-iousity, dressed in jeans and the like.

Nic attempting to split in the air??
Gen reminded me i was vice-house captain[and an absolutely useless one at that!] so rushed up to receive the house trophy. It was quite a miracle then i managed to not trip on the tangle of bags and stray limbs and stagger up the stairs without falling flat on my face. Some spirit came over me and i did the 'rock' sign in front of the whole school. good grief.
after that headed with the usual crowd to go to sentosa! it was really awesome stuff! i should just let pictures do the talking. my fingers are cramping up from all that typing.

WAHAHAHHAA. so very unglam.

then someone pointed out i wore my shorts the wrong way and everyone bursts out in fits of laughter. but of course i didnt want to go back and change.

hadn't had one of these in a long time....
stumbled on sarah ee's heaven. all these angmoh's were sprawled on expensive beds and suntanning in shorts. i think sarah almost wet herself in pure glee, it was a sight to behold.

decided to cross the beach to search for a nice spot.
but runed back when the sand was infested with ants.
finally found a nice place with nearly nobody but this annoying couple who kept giving us the hairy eyeball. whatever, its not your beach! ah decided to change my shorts with nothing but a towel.

started to sleep almost immediately. was feeling really tired from all that running around and being hyper.

ahhem. sorry, innocent ppl out there.

woke up. my whole tee shirt was like positively wet because they poured water. And my mouth filled with lots of sand, i swallowed some of it i think. took baywatch videos and played volleyball! it was funny!

nicole having a moment of fun.

nice picture, is it not?

judy just staring her name carved in sand.
someone else added the heart, i don't know. must be that nicole.

sal erased the star and drew a triangle. that coot.

who deosnt?!
muddy kidsss.

who else??

sarah anne tries to break into the construction sites.

nicole fell headlog into the sand while trying to help geraldine up! it just wasnt her day, really. HAHAH

we were acting like complete hobos, really.
after that judy, YW and sarah went home while the rest of us headed to the jap restaurant to eat. it was a complete rip off and the food wasn't that good. But we had a few laughs.

last picture before my camera died.
the sand burying began. i couldnt even feel it happening. I don't know, i just sleep through the loudest things, or the most obvious. dead to the world! the following photos are taken by emi or judy i think, and are quite explicit! don't blame me if you find it gross!
All i can say is, i have very gross friends laced with a touch of insanity.
fooled around in the toilet. we were trying to bathe but there were no showers. I shall not divuldge our shower methods in so public an online site, but it was quite ingenius. I think we made more than one korean tourist frown when we emerged out of the wet cubicle.
Reached home at around ten something, bathed and fell asleep.
Saturday was spent having music practise in the morning and celebrating national day with half my extended family. My mother forced everyone to dress in a parade of red and white, and sang the national anthem really loudly till it shook our house. My crazy uncle was making bad jokes about the president and PM[he could get exiled to switzerland for all i care.] in front of his own daughter, my six-year old cousin. at such an impressionable age, she is subjected to such humour. She might grow up to be a communist!!
And also, my clown father wanted to bring the whole family to watch fireworks, and was quickly agreed by my uncle. sheri also went in the end! but they missed it while i was at home watching the orange sparks fill the sky. and i was accused of being a killjoy the whole evening.
Surprise party for Renee! also went for the gig at east coast! took lots of pictures, i will blog about this another day when im not so tired.
Today went to renee's to study as well, in hope i can absorb her abundance of brain cells. pictures, blog next time.
okay goodnight all, its been a very very long post.
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