What did you do last summer?
He says it
like its so him to say so,
if you do get what i mean
dance with the lawnmowers,
and sashay your way down my alley.
What were you like last summer,
cause honestly darling i forget,
You change like the winds of seasons,
And i am your breaker.
________________________________________ 9/8/08
Its been a rather busy weekend plus plus friday. Lotsa pictures and many laugh-worthy things happened.
Friday we had our playground date with Stacey and Mary Soh, how immature that sounds. Honestly was too tired from the horrible school day and wanted to just throw myself on my bed as a way of saying 'TGIF', but was glad i went. We relived childhood times, like deprived lil' munchkins.


So anyways after an hour or so of playground gallivanting and basically making a bad impression of our school to other neighbourhood kid-lings, left to have some food. went home to take a shower and met renee at around five to cab to airport. cabs are getting very very expensive these days.
Got shooed away from popeyes and ended up studying at the food court which wasnt so bad. But it was artic-cold.

um, i heart chemistry.
Renee left around nine fifteen and we left around ten, but not before visiting cold storage to get stuff for ms kang to eat the next day.

shanna had a fun time playing with ze apple and taking macro shots so it looked cool.

Next day had EL oral practise with ms kang at the ungodly hour of TEN AM. my my. woke up at nine to cut those damned kiwis, ended up wasting half of its juicy goodness whilst peeling. breakfast with patti jujublue and SAL before we got to school at the prata shop!
waited a really really looong time. Slept a little, got literally pulled out of my seat by SALly, i dont understand why she must be such a constant irritance. Part of her nature i suppose. Tried to read the sixth book of Artemis Fowl but kept dozing off. What's with this perpetual sleeping?!

judy got her hands on one of my washington apples and after taking a single bite, proclaimed it was rotten because of the brown core. Eeks.

ms kang was in a pretty bad mood but i couldnt blame her. With drama O people being dramatic upstairs and aces people hovering around our oral area. it was really noisy.
sarah anne thinks its entertaining and very hilarious to take up close up shots without people knowing. i won't put up my shot because i look spazzy as usual.

thinking ev-eel thoughts.

who knew judy took ballet classes secretly?

its the poking game!

ah its me chasing Sarah when she hit me on the head and pulled me off the table mid-snooze. sleepy stace=angry stace.

it was quite funny. Mel was in spastic mode. And in her new black hair which looks REALLY REALLY weird after seeing her in red hair for so long.

study with shan later at ze airport.

walking around like hobos at T1, eating cold soba noodles from a disposable container.
So called 'tourist' pose. HAHAH.
the entire extended tan family gathered at gram's house around seven to watch ping pong. I am honestly embarrased by the sheer volume and antics of my mother, she seemed to go feral just watching a few minutes of the match. Whether is was her absolute patriotism, or the sight of balls being whacked across tables, i must say that the sight of her going ballistics was not pleasant at all.
worse, the rest of the extened family seemed to be rallied on by her ape-like behaviour and screamed like loons.
Of course, we got thrashed. much to the disappointment of ze family a.k.a monkey clan. They started saying all sorts of very unpatriotic things about our team after the embarrasing loss, but i shall not put them up in case i get jailed.
brb, mother calls.
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