for you.
I miss the bubusal oil conversations, messy marshmallow fights and bald haircuts. I miss it when our dancing spazzes to here we again, and crying over the latest season of Grey's anatomy[I KNOW!]. I even miss the times when you guys put makeup on me when im at top snooze mood[but that tradition has been carried on my other people XP]. most of all, i just miss you guys.
So the past weekend has been a myraid of study groups at an assortment of places, some productive and some not, but always full of fun.
Friday went with Mary a.k.a vainpot, prettay patty and stacey to airport.
Got immediately sidetracked by this fabulous crayon woodblock thingy. Who can resist crayons, tell me?! Patty got plenty excited by the masses of paper and we almost shoved little kids aside to do our very own sketches. How uncivilised, but everyone gotsa have their fun.
Stacey and mary went home, went back to foodcourt to study a little with shanna and patti.
Of course, not much studying done because i fell asleep again.
Went to candy empire as we always do and almost got a heart atack when i saw this pile of heaven.
Then went to cut my hair.
when i turned around got a shock of my life, there was practically a wall of hair surrounding the chair, that shows you how much the lady chopped off. And so ends my official reign as The Fringe. It is a drastic change, no doubt.
Studied with emi and renee later at airport AGAIN.
the bus right was plenty amusing.
Was raining cows and llamas, and this woman fell on her face when she got on bus 24, and when i tried to help she got all huffy. Really.
And emilia.

Renee went home around nine plus and i broguth emi to the colouring place and we had muchos fun!

when i was sleeping.
Monday everyone ponned school. Well eleven. To cram for SS i suppose, but it was also one of the funniest school days ever. SAL was driving me insane, And patricia got really pissed even though her actual body wasnt with us!! HAHAH.

Had pretty much an embarrasing skirt incident, SAL drawing on my neck, and a struggle to push crabby's tank into the teachers table.
SS was okay, but i didnt finish SBQ. Sheesh.
'Please forgive me patricia!!'
Sat next to Sam, she is quite funneh.
Ms voon also made me sit next to sharon, and sharon let out a long sigh and said 'Omg i am so dead.' what the hell is that supposed to mean?! EEKS.
Went pats to study, and bought a hot dog bun as a peace offering, which she gladly accepted.
Also, she gave me a tiger with magnetic paws!
It acoompnied me through the whole day of studying SS.
Lunch with sam renee sal and pat, we were being very immature. also it was a very long lunch that lasted two hours at least.
to pat's house![we are going jogging later! ]
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