Ah these are some pictures from yesterday, so vair fun.
SALAD. patti is very very good at making it.
And stacey decides to LICK THE BOWL. haha.
And proud of it, if i may add.
Umm even though i promised people i wouldnt sleep during our study session, i couldnt help but take a short snooze of fifteen minutes. Fine, half an hour. Or forty-five. ARGH!
so they took pictures. Because everyone deserves a good laugh, i shall post them up.
hahahha. have a great time in laos.
Today seemed like the slackest day ever. Esp after recess when we had chinese which was fruitless. And CHEM wherein mrs two didnt come, and the guy with the really shiny head came in. We whooped liked idiots. I gave out lots of free massage cards and slept a lot and told bad jokes by fabeha. Something's wrong with fabeha, she has quite literally gone mad because of the drain fumes.
I was just thinking about how me and srah anne did that hugging thing in front of mr quek's video camera and swigged out of the 250ml beakers like it was some beer keg. And we were almost planning to do that eygptian dance with emi renee and patti, but mr quek turned around and demanded that the whole group at the back break up into our respective benches. oooh fun sucker.
I waited for shanna for half a century today, renee made me study bio notes. we crammed at airport and i bought face paint and shite for tmr!
Sentosa with the rest to do something insane eg. parasiling, trapezing tmr! and sarah ee will bring her hott ang moh guy detector[metal plate, wires and all.] and extra huge sunglasses hahaha!
Goodnight all.
This is so lame, there's a million things to say about your bloody immaturity. I'm out of this, and still have to get embroiled in all this ridiculous drama. Like you need something to brighten up your otherwise dull life, so you think up of something to mull over and spread. So pissed, i don't know what to say.
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