
Life can be oh-so-cruel.
Like today, when i listened to sarah G's fabulous stories on singfest. Or how me and lizzie[or rather Lizzeh and I, as you posh english-language analysts like to point out.] could have been headbanging to paramore songs at FOP and attracting weird stares from people but i don't care because when LIZZIE AND I ARE TOGETHER we rule the world. No matter how small the world is.
Oh i think i ran 2.4 today, accompanying the procrastinators batch. Renee pretty much had her own entourage pushing her. IT WAS HILARIOUS. me and SAL could did a pretty good dramatization of the little run, but because renee is frail, i will not make fun of her. XP Patricia was running about trying to cajole the western stall lady a.k.a the STINGE to give her some sugar for the gasping runners, but of course to no avail. Fabeha as usual was being funny.
We were having another one of those Edward Cullen debates during class today, the latest. Ah what was discussed was yet again DISCUSSED. Just the sight of RP and his ginormous forehead[or FIVEHEAD. ha! ha! ha!] is enough to make all of us go ballisticimus. Nicole M does such a good impression of his disgusting voice that it makes us all roll on the floor.
I think my brain's gone on vacation. The whole weekend i've bumped into pillars and missed train stops because of texting, fell into a drain and down flights of stairs, brushed my teeth with Citrus soap and walked into a glass door. What am i going to do with myself?!
Ah i cannot wait for friday. fireworks?
Ah goodnight all.
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