Thursday, January 07, 2010

They carved the message deep within (a broken heart that failed to mend!)

DANG. Just when I've gotten used to writing '2009' in all my dates.

2009 has been pretty legendary. Last year, I was thrown into a brand new school and forced to sit in a classroom full of smelly noisy dudes, and have 12-hour days (which is heck on someone with a short-attention span). I've been to a hell lot of concerts, read some pretty incredible novels and I've worn out a few leather-bound journals with my illegible scrawl. Drifted away from people, but made some more who honestly made 2009 an easier year to get by.

I'm not a fan of change (then again, who is?), but 2010 here we come!

Another photo update on the post-christmas and new year front, since I'm pretty lazy like that :)

KL 2009 (Getting by with a little help from my friends)

Polaroids from me, photo credits for the rest to jen!

This, is actually a road sign. I kid you not.

Three-dollar Ray Bans never go out of style ;D

Lucy always loves to copy me tsk.

Our cribzzz for three nights :D

HAHA! Never fails to crack me up

dude, take the mask off and maybe you'll get some business.

awesome (and frequently worn by many other members of the entourage) but slightly overpriced beanie :D

lucy's cheeks ftw!

*says 'Ram-leeee burgers' in a british accent.

the salmon thief.

She must have eaten a whole salmon by herself!

This joke has been hilarious for six months and counting!

Avatar was brilliant. Jake scully is hubba hubba.

Ah, and the new year party!

Met up with Suat the other day and we pigged out on Kenny G's big time! Laughed like mad and she gave me my birthday present, which was a hat with sharp-edges inside LOL.

And was supposed to meet up with Tiara yesterday at starbucks to do homework but of course WE DIDN'T cause we are rebels like that. Instead, we flitted around the usual gossip and tiara's old NYNY bosses kept stopping by to chat (where is our salmon toast, if i may ask?) Haha I love tiara but I also hate her cause she'll be zooming off to paris with mandy moose for ten days whilst I sit alone in classes and rot. Lovely.

Anyway, timetable for 2010 is out. Major major suckfest. Having some heated fb discussion with Kenneth, Liz, Vanessa and Kai right now. I think I hear the word 'protest'!

I will do my homework tomorrow. Yes, I will.

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