Sunday, September 07, 2008

you are RED, violent red.

So vivid
You make the stars shatter
with the tip of your finger,
I wonder how they will look like,
without you by my side.

So tired are these citylights,
They're falling now, dont you see?
Come, i'm falling right into you.
But you're too busy looking,
for no one else but yourself.


Some sleepover pictures, to prove to the world i am not 100% geek[there are dorkierbigger fish to fry in the blue blue ocean].

So when did i go over? Friday i think. Well not over, we went out to town and scoured places for good CDs, me in good ol' shirt and jeans and lizzeh in black TIGHTS and a skirt AHAHA.. Good grief, stuff is certainly expensive. Hush Sound records going for forty-something, and Bex bought the same record last year at twenty-eight or something. Emilia wanted foo fighters and RHCPeppers, but they only had ancient copies which are all over the place, HMV should find some system of filing to make it all easier for us .

Blah blah cant rmb what we did next because i accidenly deleted earlier photos damned blogger.
But ran about town buying fruits and goodness knows what.

More CD scouting. And lizzeh had to have her Alternative Press which cost a hefty sum, but all in the name of good music[although i dont think underoath is that good. the frontman looks like some girl i used to know tho HAHA.]

So much for being price-less.

Anyhoots, six thirty rushed down to ainsley's condo at tanah merah for vanessa's farewell partay thingy it was quite amusing and a long time since i've seen samantha melanie. she got us tees from HK, thanks a mill! it has a silver star on it! yayers.

Oh and kelvin got some lip percing that hooks inside the mouth and comes out from the outside. Jennifer thought it was a bloodclot[the piercing, that is.] and pointed it out to kelvin. HA! what a moron XD

Dinner was sushi and KFC.

mel looks constipated.
Awww man luki had his gay compulsion. Or just imitating jennifer.

Which led to the great wasabi plan, to fill luk's green tea cup up with the green stuff. Plan failed drastically of course, the loaded drink turned out like this:

ahh the aussome salad made by vanessa herself. It had nuts in it, which was the cause of my itchy eyes later at night that only lizzie got to see ha!
Vanessa, even the vibes she is giving out are brimming with maturiosity.

We had that circle thingy to say stuff about vanessa and leng2 had this fab idea that we should say something nice/what we think about her. It was quite funny.

Me: I think you are very mature. Like always scold us when we're having music practise.
Jen: Yes i agree!
Vanessa: Ummm thanks??

Then when it came to Ben's turn, i had to stuff my fist in my mouth to stop myself from laughing. Mel was having coughing fits beside me, she sure needs to learn how to be not obvious.

Ben: I think you're an umm a very serious girl..... like you know its not easy to talk to you.... i dunno what to say lah but you get what i mean, um right? so yeah.... but lifenet i get to talk to you a bit more you know.... and like i can tell you're very um, you know? Yah so you get what i mean.
Vanessa: Right. i don't think i want to hear the rest
Ben: Let me just gather my thoughts first and i'll say later.

needless to say people, none of us mentioned the fact that ben hadn't quite said what he wanted to say at the end of the circle. i mean, technically, he had his say already right? and honestly, i had enough of squirming uncomfortable and choking back the laughter.

Luki: Um yes, i think that you're very mature[totally loading off my fabulous idea, but nehmind.]. Even thought we're the same age and all but you're really very serious and mature about things. But even sometimes when we're with the youths and stuff and you even crack jokes. Its very shocking.

Wow how subtle luki. needless to say we all nearly died laughing.

Jie Shawn: If i were to describe you as something, i would describe you as a jacket.
Ken: What?
Jie Shawn: a bright red, leather jacket.
Kelvin: *whispers. I'll never understand women.

Left after that for kovan. Was exhausted just travelling alone, across singapore! When i was at outram park and taking an incredibly long JOURNEY to the purple line, there was this whole bunch of noisy people at the side of me fooling around. Then one of them knocked into me and yanked my earphones out, which caused quite a hassle because it was quite long and i got pretty entangled innit alone with the dude's bag. What a shock when he turned around to apologise and i swear he was the SPLITTING IMAGE OF NICK JONAS. no kidding, really. The 'fro and all.

I messaged Sarah G immediately and she got a nervy spaz whilst smsing. What's so hot about him? anyway, after getting untangled from my phone and picking up my ipod which some moron managed to step on, went on and settled in for a nap. Missed my stop and had to go back one train station to Kovan.

Met liz at the petrol station and bought loads of crap. she was still in her amanda-palmer-garb, would you believe that?!

Mega-chips, soda and chocolate fest!
Fine, because of the guilt trip, we had coke-light instead of coke. Consolation, right??

Lizzeh's room is quite a junkyard. and we made it kinda worse.

on the verge of falling asleep.

Played her aussome bass guitar till 1am. More records, Hot Hot Heat and the like, bravado.
Found my taking back sunday CD under the masses. So the CD and the cover got seperated somewhere HAHA.

more music, talking. I played guitar on the iGALLOP, it was mighty hilarious. Played pressure and it sounded brilliant!

330am, sleeping with swelled up eyes. yadadadadaa.

Aunty gracy and uncle ronald keep asking me why on earth i want to live in a junkyard, where there are plates and fossiled tomato juice[this is a legend apparently.] in the toilet and crap all over so you can hardly see the floor. Because it is fun and you dont need to care about things like spilling stuff and being messy. besides, they are very much exaggerating, you can still see some bits of the floor here and there.

Today is another story. But later! emath paper tmr.

Night all.

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