Friday, September 05, 2008

all of the wasted time and,


i am so very disappointed with her nurturing skills. Sh must have overfed it/thrown it around too much/not given it enough light[hey fish need light to okay?!]. After all my effort, it boils down to... you know where?! Fish heaven! the toilet b!

Sorry, i just got the news. i dont know whether to laugh my ass off or cry, really.

Yesterday we had CCA phototaking. Me and Mary ran around school looking for her damned handphone cover, and i literally mean all around school. From technical block to Science block to the canteen to the art gallery kinda thing, i think we might have run a regular 2.4 looking for that slip of leather. So as a result when we stopped at the canteen for a breather[and by that we all know a drink and some idle banter.], we almost missed our own phototaking. Saved by a call from Sarah G. Man, imagine missing our last phototaking because of so pathetic a reason!

Anyhoos, snap snap snap. I got seperated from Nas and Mary and had to stand at the other side. Haha with Sarah G and XS. Oh because of sarah's height she got to stand behind with all the leaders holding one of those dustbin lids. Ya know, for mr J's intended 'cool vibes'. SO jealous yah?

Then mr J started to shake all the graduating seniors[THAT IS US BTW.], starting off with sharon and xs. then he walked right past me?! Its that damned hair that he can't exactly recognise, i think.

Today there's the sleepover with Lizz and Vanessa's farewell party in between. NEED MORE FUNDS to get more tee shirts!!! eeks. See ya later Lizz.

And it'll be a while till you hear from me. See ya'll!

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