there's a new flavour going around
and so you're getting rid of the old
i thought you were aquainted to,
but i suppose you're not,
you're not.
hush don't speak a word
we climb sky-high just to come down again
This wanting and going and coming,
you evade me,
you beautiful letdown.
Two days ago it rained as we were stepping out of school and it felt great. I was getting slightly sick of the constant heat, which continously beat on our backs and cause our hair to get into messy disarrays. Sick of the sun. Rawwwr turning into a vamp. I knew those two marks on my neck were not a coincidence.
So you could say i was quite overjoyed. Sang natasha bedingfield's Unwritten again and again, the lines 'feel the rain on your skin, cause no one else can feel it for you.' until we were maaad with laughter. it is quite an enjoyable feeling, this europhia, i'm telling you.
Valley of Nepal is getting better, but dhoom is totally BLEH. it is no fun at all to sit at the back of the band while he makes you repeat frill after frill, infront of a dozen pairs of eyes[whom beholders laugh. we are amused.] and the alunmi. argh. and then he'll come and demonstrate some flowery-yaya on the toms and whatnot and expect you to follow. sheesssh!!!
But things like singing with ah soh, poking dearest RIN and saying the mohawk cheer with the marimba gang get us through.
Oh on thursday aveline managed to score us a fifteen minue break by puking her guts all over the music room floor. Apparently, she suddenly stopped playing the snare and natasha was about to nudge her to play when she started to fumble for her pocketed puke bag. Too late--- SPLAT! So while she was hurriedly ushered to the general office to recuperate, the rest of us were left to clean up the puke. Let's not go into the details, except that ALOT of toilet paper was spewed in CLUMPS onto the floor and sonya was being particularly chivalrous/intelligent. good time for some 'band-bonding' activity, si?
And next week is band... and more band... and more band. while we shift the instruments up and down every single day, and sit there, waiting for dancers to well, create the dance. Rather apprehensive about the phrase scrawled onto my student planner 'ONWARD to the HOLS!'. what does the hols really mean, i wonder. tomes of notes waiting to be written and the wearing out of calculator pads. GAH.
P.S sam's partay was the shizzle. But due to photo uploading programme being stored in dad's computer, next wednesday will be the earliest you get the shots. Really fun by the way, happy birthday girl!
I made the BEST joke ever at sam's party and people said it was lame!!!! INSULT. um her cake had a tennis racket iced on it[to all who do not know, sam's tennis captain], and after we sang her happy birthday fourteen times i said 'Hey sam hurry cut the cake, you have to SERVE it'.
And the chorused response. 'LAME'
argh!!!!!! lol.
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