Don't get me wrong.
But i feel like i don't know you
Long overdue pictures.
I apologise, but dad has taken off to China on business[CHINA! hello, read the papers lately?! people just mug anyone on the streets who has clothes above the quality of rags. Not dangerous, uh huh.] and got the good laptop. and so with sarah using her own, we're stuck with the slow, equivalent to windows 98 speed, dell. DONT BUY DELL!!!!
Food fair at the expo which we went god knows when.

oooh look jasmine's hair DEFIES gravity.

AND WE BUMPED INTO JANEL!!!! OMG. who has not changed at all. Geraldine totally flipped out. First sentence that comes out of her mouth is a very predictable 'Why is your hair all over your face?!'

WIENER! WIENER! from germany of sorts.

Beiong typical singaporeans, we must have our free samples! thank you very much, woman-who-guards-the-free-cups-of-coffee-like-a-three-headed-bulldog.

and look what we bumped into XD

Wow. and they said singapore CREATIVE directors are cream of the crop? obviously whoever named this computer hasnt updated on his/her computer lingo recently.

95cent ice-cream cones never tasted better.

Although the jerky, automatic gardenia bread man scared me a little, we became better aquainted after ending up at the bread stand several times in the four hours we were there.
oh and the most hilarious thing. there was this board at the popular sale[just next to the food fair, which we had to escape from because of the intense heat, noise and crowd.] that was giving out ten dollar ben and jerry's vouchers to the 20 most romantic notes ever. So in favour of the fact that everyone loves a hearty scoop of chunky monket and what not, we contributed quite a few XD
There's nothing like a suck-up note.
i think we annoyed more than a few people while walking around with bears posied unstably on our heads.

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