static to the sound of you and I,
for the last time.
Investiture on thursday was slightly more than stressful but nothing short of relieving. With the entire blazer drama, my very own actually, i was quite relieved that the problems that cropped up yesterday was off minor league. Such as the candle issue where me, SAL, sam peck and Sarah FUNny hoevered outside the hall corridoors trying to create a makeshift holder for a candle. It was a long and tedious process, the kind of work that makes you giggle like idiots. Mdm Chan spotted us and gave us one of those hawkeye looks, haha. And in our ridiculous get ups of blazers and what not!
Great deal of confusion about speeches and lump-sumps of information cobbled together to digest made backstage ethnics pretty unnerving. However it was all good in the end
and mr roland, our half-TIC. ahhem. Your term as the teacher-in-charge of exco was certainly enjoyable and very rewarding[twelve-inch pizzas and TCC mudcake treats, we do not forget!]. An adanced thank you for the thai buffet you are yet to treat us too XD Hope that you will put in a good testimonial for all of us.
Otherwise it'll be sixteen of us girls haunting you. XP
i say with candor.
i say with candor.
Put that aside. the next horror to be endured was non other than ms zhang and her ridiculous earth day antics. ARGH. it was lame, unprepared and a total embarrasment. i shall never do anything like that ever again, thankyou. the other performances on the other hand, wasn't half-bad.

Stephanie is quite literally, on fire.
But the highlight of the day was ms kang showing off her lung power in front of the school's masses. And guess who the piece was dedicated to? 4.8!!! yes, i quote, 'my DEAR 4.8'. whoever knew ms kang was a passionate soprano? but it was quite a shock when i encountered her backstage with a microphone in hand.

She's singing to us! wahaha. scene from romeo and juliet, serenades have always been a fave.
Oh the best part was that she totally ignored Ramlee when he tried to 'woo' her. Posers in leather jackets dont score to well and ms kang's agenda, that's for sure. Anyway, the pure ignoration could have finally deflated his ginormous male ego, which means a better world for the rest of us mere mortals.
Overnight study at airport. I kid you not.

blendin' in. so mooched around after a very unhealthy dinner for a good study place and we settled down in this nook behind the glass elevators, at the carpark lobby. How weird is that. so much for that 'beautiful viewing gallery' wahaha. Had a few noisy people look down from the foyer disapprovingly for long periods of times, but it was all good. Gerry, particularly, treated it like it was a her own home.


this one's for renee. XD
Bought a six pack of coke, bars of chocolate and two bags of jumbo chips. As well as gerry's '2for1' lychee drinks.
Gerry's house was pretty noisy, even at night. Haha her mom just let us stay over even with just a few hours notice, so we owe a big thank you to her. XP changed into a pair of shorts[courtesy of gerry] and started to browse through some chinese letters[how else so study for chinese?!] it was INCREDIBLY warm. mehh. the heat was seeping through the couch. Emilia was complaining about being 'stuck' to the floor. well i wasnt going to be the one to pry her off that's fo' sure.
But the highlight of the day was ms kang showing off her lung power in front of the school's masses. And guess who the piece was dedicated to? 4.8!!! yes, i quote, 'my DEAR 4.8'. whoever knew ms kang was a passionate soprano? but it was quite a shock when i encountered her backstage with a microphone in hand.
Overnight study at airport. I kid you not.
J: i can't find a good way to sit leh... [lying down on the floor, sitting up striaght, leaning against the wall etc etc.]
E: Yeah can tell, you keep changing your position... chhck. so irritating.
Me: yah!
J: Ah yah you know ah, when im studying, i need something soft to sit on
Me: how about sitting on your ass then? isn't that soft?!
E: Judy has balls of steel!!
Roughly around eleven, got up and decided to stock up on junk food and go to gerry's house before the last train left. Oh by the way, the
escalators are alaramingly long. Emilia acted like a kid and ran up the down escalator. tsk tsk.
and that's jujublue giving up halfway.

Bought a six pack of coke, bars of chocolate and two bags of jumbo chips. As well as gerry's '2for1' lychee drinks.
me: omg its sooo warm.
Emi: argh yeah.
Gerry: You can sit here[points to dining room area], there's Fin.
Me: Fin?
Gerry: wahahaha. fan and wind.
was feeling a tad drowsy when the clock struck midnight.

that's judy's impossibly white feet by the way.
and her many sitting positions.

They experimented with coffee making to get the sugar levels up. contented with coke, not a big fan of coffee. mocha, anyone?

mIgrated to the airconditioned bedroom at one plus. YAY. however, the airconditioning made me want to sleeppp.
Okay snoozed from 2-4. But to justify my actions of being a 'party-pooper' and the person who always sleeps the first, i woke up earliest that morning while the rest woke up at noon. ha.
emi with her hair up!
tuning up the worn out, but well-maintained classical guitar and ger's brother's room. It was kept in a black rubbish bag to prevent it from collecting dust! So was the christmas tree and keyboard, all stuffed in a corner of the blue room.
and her many sitting positions.
Had no heart to study much chinese. used the computer, played sudoku and guitar, ate more junk. I think geraldine fell asleep around six thirty. the three of us were squished on one pathetic mattress[single size, mind you.] while gerry slept like a log on a huge bed -_-"
Tomorrow school. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! argggh. and chinese Os. i have no motivation whatsoever, and am not panicking in the least. It is good in some way and bad in a hella lot of ways.
Alright, now who's ready to brave the storm?!
OMG and band.
it is so bizarre to be saying to friends 'oh i can't go for lunch cause i have CCA'. and then everyone laughing at you, replying with hoots of 'awww poor you..' and 'i am sooo over that.' So while the usual gang are hanging out at nicole's house playing guitar hero for hours or catching a holiday movie, i will be slugging my butt at CCA with a permanently-pmsing instructor and alot of noisy people. So you can say i look upon this with MIXED feelings. Dread and displeasure. Yeap, that makes alot of difference. I suppose that's what you get when you agree to play for concerts so early.
Merry times people, merry times.
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