now old casettes and cigarettes
will be the one to save you,
and even if the radio,
keeps us searching for these stars
i would do it.
Hmmm to tell you the truth, yesterday was a teensy bit anti-climax.
Instead of the feeling of absolute, zen, EXHILARATION, it was more of like 'oh, okay.'
What an absolutely boring emotion. after going through absolute hell and back in a mere space of two weeks, all i got in my head was two words that means little. el pathetico. The post-exam activities certainly seem, um, fun. you make the best. So goodbye to those labourious study groups, burning midnight oil[or three am oil, if you want details] and the cans of adrenaline pumping coke. I crush up the exam timetable and end this time of suffering.
FREE! of this bondage. but just for a while, say.
So out with the usual people. I swear, its been so long since i laughed as hard and had so much fun i almost forgot about it. Friends at pat's house was funny, headed over to vivo. All nine of us... say, the more the merrier!
And managed to run up a 'bill' of $117.95
Absolute hassle collecting money.
And of course, a trip to vivocity always leads to us fooling around in the heart of toys r us. Kids at heart, thats what we are.
CAUGHT that vegas show! Okay maybe it wasnt the best chick flick i've ever watched[john tucker probably gets the vote], but the terrifying lack of humour and laughter in the past few weeks lead me and sarah anne into fits. Positive. I think the people all around us were pretty afraid.
Ashton Kutcher isnt hot, but he gets brownie points for tenacity. and that bad-boy appeal. XD
However, sarah ee and patricia's raging hormones are exactly like our lack of laughter[ha!]. check the slavering duo taking pictures with a theatre poster.
However, sarah ee and patricia's raging hormones are exactly like our lack of laughter[ha!]. check the slavering duo taking pictures with a theatre poster.
i thought the pair, cameron diaz and kutcher were excellent people for the movie.
Our plans to go to the arcade was being totally spoilt by our pocket holes. Shopped for mother's day[and my mom's birthday, which happens to by today] presents, ended up at one page. It really has quite an extensive collection of interesting books, and much better categorized and shelved than kinokuniya. Saw a brilliant collection of Neil Gaiman books[graphic novels more like. Sandman, anyone?] and this particular, elegantly cover-designed KITCHEN DIARIES. so revives my longlife dream to be a chef.
Ah. Wish i was rich.
Candy empire for the last place to stop and headed home, exhausted.
Chatted with marilyn online and it was funny. We certainly have a hella lot of things to talk about. She watched the same movie and all she could talk about was cameron diaz' legs!! my my, think we might have a problem here.
So thts the way to conclude the exams.
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