I've got your words in a locked drawer
above the ashes of your turtleneck sweater
and our lifeless hearts
I'll guard this with my life
after all that bending and breaking
I'll guard my ammunition with my life.
I've got your little voice at the back of my head
you don't know what you're saying to me when in bed
oh those words
I'll guard this with my life,
In this war,
its words that will save us.
Guitars and Machettes.
Journal entry 17/5/08
These are the pictures of the sleepover on vesak day. THANK GOD FOR VESAK DAY. he definately knows we need all the fun we can get before hitting the books.
So when i said i was going over for a night, my whole family decided to some along as well, Lizzeh's and my mom's going way back. And i mean, waaay back. They definately talk about it enough to emphasize the ailing years.
Oh. I said i was going to stock up on sugar, but i ate all my hershey's bars on the way there.
gah whats with the hairstyle?!
Umm i like the shirt by the way.
went down to the 'music' room, on account of the stands, piano and lizzeh's eight hundred dollar bass. Oh, and that i gallop thing! Piece of advice: do not underestimate the power of an i-gallop. the sheer force of the plastic seat is enough to throw an unsuspecting victim off within seconds. We're back to the rodeo!
Rocket summer rocks it some more.
The singer is a tad too enthusiastic though. Clauds would probably call him a fag. then again, she calls every guy a fag, so i wouldnt be too bother, RS fans.
sarah left and we got down to some serious drawing. Sometimes it just feels great to go right back to the basics, back to when we were five and doodling came naturally at every single sleepover. Inner child, awaken!
Hopefully, your inner child of five does not know gerrard way with the thick eyeliner. whoops.
Everyone meet wilbur. who i believe, was very aptly named. Yes, i know he was the pig in charlotte's web[for a moment there i almost typed good charlotte's web], but this elephant sure looks like a wilbur. or a gavin at least.
Caption reads[in watermelon flavoured snapple lip gloss/balm?! strange lipstick of some sort?]: You can stop the truth from leaking if you never stop believing. LUNGS LOCKED LIPS LOCKED. trust liz to scrawl such phrases across spanned mirrors.
Jack's mannequin played the entire night and the morning. Who get's sick of JM, tell me??
7:30 lizz said it was too cold and suddenly i found myself hanging on the corner of my mattress while she attempted to kill by jumping on me. it was only because of my fantastic, inhuman reflexes that i managed to move to one side in time and not be turned into a stac-pancake. So we continued to snooze.
and snooze.
and snooze.
and snooze.
till 11:00.
We got toally lost in town. I shall not elaborate. COUNTRY BUMPKINS! had to call jen three times, and was slightly more than frustrated by the last time. but we found theplaces in the end haha.
someone's overjoyed at the awesome shirt. HAHA. i love mine too. XD
Perhaps a letter would be deemed appropriate.
thank you for the sleepover! it was a delightful stay indeed.
Next time, bothersome ballet classes and pmsing-mothers shall not get into our way. We shall be the queens to orchard road and far east plaza[that is, if we do not get lost first.] However, i will one day convince you to watch senseless shows like step up 2 because it gets your adrenaline running.
Isnt that what you like? huh?!
thank you vry much for the arm bands. I like stars, case you haven't noticed.
And the awesome, re-filling of good music to slap me to my senses. Enough of the trashy music!!
And the awesome, re-filling of good music to slap me to my senses. Enough of the trashy music!!
till next time, buhbye.
P.S my pencil case and margaret atwood book? strangely, your twilight is with me. SORRY!!
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