with all the things we said
and not a minute spent
to think that we regret
so we just take it back
these words and hold our breath,
the things we swore we meant.
I'll write you just to let you know,
that i'm alright,
can't say im sad to see you go.
Cause i'm not.
Monday was spent with chilling at patricia's house watching friends. It was a little lacking of laughter at first, but soon as phoebe got into her laughind mode, it was funny enough for a bean to split its sides. YES. janna joined us around eleven thirty, because she couldnt drag herself out of bed in time to come at ten. really...
Headed over to Pasir Ris Park at three with SAL to meet the usual gang.
The long and arduous journey was peppered with scenes of nearly getting lost, missing bus stops and non-airconditioned bus[an endangered, but highly-dangerous species here in singapore.]. Sarah is definitely NOT the person you would want to be with if you are on a deserted island, since she cannot even recognize her pasir ris domain enough to get us to PRP safely.
Rented bikes. Ah to feel the wind again.
Too bad the SG sands are coarse and filthy grains, filled with sand fly nests.
Sarah ee[w] and emilia. i am very afraid when emilia holds a rock.
We took cool videos of ourselves going on the hump thing and down the long slope, but blogger uploading is a pain in the behind. Leave it to your illustrous imaginations.
Sakae sushi with gerry judy Sarah A and jas. Oh goodness the price of sakae sushi dishes increased by thirty-nine cents!! due to the inflation of food prices and whatever, considering sushi's main component is rice, it isn't a surprise.
Tuesday. our learning journey to RSAF musuems. even at the mature age of fifteen-sixteen, we look forward to these kind of useless, i mean, EDUCATIONAL trips. so we can just fool around and have such a blast.
The air force people were very hostile and looked at us weird when we were trying to shoot a stimulated air turbulence video using all their control panels and stuff. But xiao qi loves a man in uniform, yes?
After the laughs, went back home and had unusual conversations. all eight of us hovering over the four seater and laughing about bras. HAHAHA.
janna and joy came over for a short while, which eventually evolved to two hours. Ate bacon sandwiches[janna is a pig when it comes to that. HA. get it. bacon, pig. nevermind.] and we played guitar for a while.

braces is shite. i just got chains[in bright green XD] and its stretching my face apart, seriously.
hmm, will post again later. for now, its online mahjong. goodbye all!
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