i try to embed you
these verses,
into the palm of my hand,
to hold you,
but you slip away.
oh heart.
and while the words may not rhyme
I stumble through my notes,
these connotations and vowels
Forgive me please,
but i do try.
Still you slip away,
oh heart.
i need to unwind.
thank god for emilia and her awesome funniness during the chinese drills. mostly, just the singing of paramore songs off-key and stoning terribly through the two and a half hour. Results were okay i suppose. Anti-suanning.
talk about a contradiction. carved onto amanda yeo's desk by a very confused/a very intelligient person.
Aw man the blazers after school drove me MAD. needless to say, the whole exco were about to ravage the council room because we tried on blazer after blazer. Switch after switch, and she still said it didn fit. Sarah anne was made to try an S, then an XS, then an M, back to an XS and lastly, it was decided that she was fitting for the S. OH MY. i know. infuriating really.
it doesnt even make sense. so does this mean alteration everytime there's an investiture. you'll need new blazers before long because it'll soon by purely made out of stitches and patches then real fabric.
The thick, congealing smell of boiling jelly from the kitchen is making me sick. Being the daughter of an expert jelly-maker does not in the least please me. the vats of sweet, cloying liquid are enough to turn my stomach[not as much as kimchi though. uggh.], contrary to what many NLCC people think. they simply ADORE the stuff and buy twenty boxes a week in support of my mom's SAVE.MYANMAR.MAKE.JELLY. campaign, therefore i am looking forward to weeks of this jelly smell.
Tomorrow i am in a delimma. to go to emi's or band or watch friends all day? decisions decisions decisions.
To jeremy, who may be reading this now, you terrible spy. We cant make it on saturday. next time, perhaps??
Goodnight all.
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