the stars will be,
like they have been
for no one else.
We could navigate the starlights
even if we are blinded
even if we are starting to fail
in this brilliant shining way,
i'm sure this heart will not refuse
a walk across the skies.
Wedding on Saturday night!
The good news was that i discovered who was getting married[my mother's uncle's daughter, which makes her my aunt, somewhat?] and to think we were seated at table six, in full view of everyone. The bad news that hours before the wedding, mom started to take out these dresses, and tried desperately to convince me to put on one. She is seriously losing her mind. I haven't put on a dress in at least eight years, so why would i put one on now? So after i ignored her quite a bit and said i was going to just wear the normal garb i usually wear, her mouth got all squashed up like a crook's bum and she stalked off to bed.
we decided to go guys, so accompany mother, who was dateless because of dad's business endeavours. uncle came to pick up and it was off to hyatt for the all night fine-dining!
centerpieces were lovely.
then we discovered the wedding tokens were the famous hyatt chocolates!!
my awesome idea in halving the hearts. its sarah's saliva by the way, my braced-teeth would completely wreck the halved-candies.
challenger route!
went in aunty gloria's car and almost got lost! yes women make quite bad drivers, i should think. assmbled at the foot of Bukit Timah. Vanessa was going to be the 'challenging' course leader! apparently, she is quite the hiker and hikes there frequently with aunty carolyn. Wasnt ready to believe she was a great hiker until i saw it for myself.... hmmmmm.

within ten minutes, was panting quite hard. and then we hit the hundred steps. it was torturing. MIND BLOWING i tell you. almost fell to the ground when i stumbled to flat ground. Lucy was on the verge. about half of us turned back, mostly the kids and older people, because it was too tough.. of course, vanessa went through it without breaking a sweat!
all hail the trekking queen. WTHH. and i had the mental image of her being as physically capable as melanie. or mark. heehhh. that says alot about the imbalance of strength and outdoorsy-element in the tang family.

Reaching the top was euphoric. muscles screaming HALLELUJAH!
Reaching the top was euphoric. muscles screaming HALLELUJAH!
Fooling around on top. its rather pathetic to think that the highest point on singapore soil is only a mere 900 metres.

'LET MY PEOPLE GO' whaddaya know. the Renegades have our very own Moses, who plays bass guitar. right on!

omg this is the all time best picture ever. imitating luki who secretly dances at home!! wahahaha. lucy's candid smile spoils it tho! nehmind. we have plenty of chances to learn that dance and video it XD
finished i finally. made it to the bottom plains. there was nobody except an angmoh family who were rockclimbing on the natural rocks behind us. Called 'the nose'. haha! imagine naming a rockwall after a part of the human anatomy.

with the professional. i am honoured, indeed.
the mothers who made it.
aunty carolyn wants to document proof of her climb up so...

with the professional. i am honoured, indeed.
aunty carolyn wants to document proof of her climb up so...
the soles of her shoes came out! vanessa wants to frame it up and put it on a the famous 'Lee family' wall.
subway for dinner and back home.
muscles cramped and dead tired.
goodnight all.
P.S Justin wants you all to know that for his little welcoming back partay, we went over to his place and shaved all our legs!!! i mean, girls have no problem, cause it'll grow back in a jiffy. but those curly whatsits will take FOREVER TO GROW BACK. MUAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA. clauds, we can sit back and laugh at our new best girlfriend, J!
ahhem sorry.
let's hit the gym tmr mel!
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