the sand beneath my toes
this feeling,
well i must say its rather hard to come by these days,
when you're gone.
to think straight when you're gone
I'm not listening when you say goodbye
you're fading at the back of my mind
a blizzard against white walls
I'm feeling you, but i'm not.
One feeling away from the rhythm which divides you and me
This is a silence which refuses to be ignored.
After learning that the first and last week of holidays were being snatched away for extra classes for the sec fours, it is only appropriate that i treasure it by filling these fourteen days with every kind of activity imaginable. Too bad i had to give wakeboarding a miss on wednesday morning, which mark said was 'fudging fun'. sheesh i miss all the good stuff. Went for the movie last night with some of the younger youths, jen, luce, ains and luki.
Oh goodness i was really really late so i took a cab to PS. it was seventeen dollars -_-" ARGGGHH. have to kick this terrible habit/addiction for taking cabs and replacing it with more bus rides and so on.
So anyway, bought some food and hung out around the water fountain at the cathay basement. Jen came bumbling in with about five huge bags, right from chinatown. LOL what a sight. and then hurried up to the top for Narnia.
It was really reaallly good.
I have totally changed my opinion on prince caspian. there were many disappointing parts and plotbits which peppered the otherwise fantastic show. Okay many people may consider this part spoilers, so you have been forewarned. those who have yet to watch narnia, these are just a few harmless rants.
I have totally changed my opinion on prince caspian. there were many disappointing parts and plotbits which peppered the otherwise fantastic show. Okay many people may consider this part spoilers, so you have been forewarned. those who have yet to watch narnia, these are just a few harmless rants.
1. Prince Caspian's bogus accent
Truthfully, i have to admit that the constant slurs and tinge of spanish/italian/swedish origin does give a certain, ahhem, sex appeal to many. However, it gave me quite a headache to try and decipher what Caspian was saying. To make it worse, his entire clan of whatsits spoke the same way. As the lead character in the continuation of a fantastic sequel, shouldnt one of the criteria wherein Prince Caspian was chosen to be the clarity of his voice?
2. Peter's stupidity
Despite Jennifer's constant ooh-ing and aah-ing as William/Peter battles on his horse across the battlefield or some other masculine activity, it is easy to see his 'pompus ass' qualities. His pride and enormous ego was evident in so many scenes that i had to bite my lip from screaming a curse at the screen. Firstly, the part where he causes half of the Narnians to die in Caspian's castle? or when he almost got tempted to give his blood to the white witch?! And yet so many love him. tasteless, i tell you.
3. Edmund's obvious hotness
Okay so he was stupid and ignorant in the lion, the witch and the wardrobe, getting tempted by a bunch of turkish delights. But his intelligience, hotness[Oh yes. he HAS the best features among the three guys in narnia.] and knack of saving William's ass in all kinds of situations makes up for all of that. Not bad for a thirteen year old lad. He'll be a hit among the ladies fo' sure.
4. Cut lips and bloodless battles
Although i understand it is necessary to keep the rating of the sure within the boundaries of Parental Guidance, it is rather hard to believe that on a bloodless battlefield with so many slayings, not a single splay of blood is shown. Everyone, and i mean EVERYONE, esccapes with nothing but a few bruises and the CUT LIP. It's as if they're sharpened swords are only meant for nicking the enemy's bottom lip.
5. Susan's never ending quiver of arrows
The quiver had FIVE arrows throughout the show. And Susan shot at least fifty of them through out the length of the flick. They never ever seem to run out, so that in the most crucial moments, it will magically be filled again. I'm an extremely practical person, so obvious this 'infinite' arrows thing bothers me.
Oh and the tail of susan's arrows should NOT have been tinted red. If it wasnt, the general couldnt have picked up that arrow to stab caspian's uncle and create a conspiracy, because it could have simply been anybody's arrow.
6. Lucy's partial uselessness: the potion and unused dagger
Besides the fact that she has that one-way access of being a 'heroine' because of her 'all-cure potion', the only thing she is good for is seeing Aslan. Yes, she has the most faith and therefore is the entire fate of Narnia rests on her tiny shoulders. But seriously, put that aside and what else? I expected her to be a tinge more useful in this second installment, but the closest she got was taking out her teeny dagger near the end. Of course, it was not used because Aslan summoned some kinda weird water god which swallowed everybody up. Right.
7. Arrows flying scene
Excuse me, but anti-climax.
8. Terrible love story insert.
SUSAN AND CASPIAN?! for those who did not read the series, let me verify that there was no such thing. It was written in the 1920s or something for goodness sakes. If C.S lewis was alive, he would have very much be disappointed in the producers and it would have developed into a much media-covered lawsuit. So much for TCON being a children's series. The love affair was unnecessary and ridiculously developed.
Thank goodness susan had to go back and never return, of the lip-sucking would have developed into something so much more.
If the kiss was supposed to 'appeal' to the teenagers crowd, i must say that majority of us were not impressed. at all.
Right enough of raving. overall, it was worth the watching. everyone should go and catch it!!
Bus-ed home[ha!] with alex luki and lushi. we are going to try 'That's what you get' on saturday!
Till then, it'll be giving sheri tuition and listening to some records luki put into my thumbdrive. While the Hoosiers and howie day prove to be good companions on lazy days, Paramore never seems to get old. It's just the kind of album that you can listen to for YEARS and not get tired off. Videos of them on paramore.net are absolutely HILARIOUS!
Till then, it'll be giving sheri tuition and listening to some records luki put into my thumbdrive. While the Hoosiers and howie day prove to be good companions on lazy days, Paramore never seems to get old. It's just the kind of album that you can listen to for YEARS and not get tired off. Videos of them on paramore.net are absolutely HILARIOUS!
sooo. Goodbye all.
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