met a laughing lucy and Mel. THe condo itself was quite splendid and breathtaking. the pool encompasses the entire condo area, whose buildings are sleek and elegant. the gym was rather extensive as well YAY.
first thing's fist was attempting to lose 100 calories on the treadmill. it is NOT EASY. and i found out an APPLE contains a 100 calories. bothered me a little. where does all our cals go to?!
its only a 2kg dumbell. wahahaha.
Ran for about three hours in total. alot of talking and fooling around. Conversations about band with mel, which seems to be a hot conversation topic that we can't drop at all. lucy was having a ton of fun with the rowing machine[which i admit, i was intrigued by. the rowing sound effect was terrific!] and gigling maniacally like a kid. have weird videos.
met luki and we went to eat ichiban, some japanese restaurant which serves pretty exotic food, by Singaporean standards. talked about high-cholesterol eggs and what not. headed to starbucks but had to go back cause it was already nine.
dad's coming back tonight.
im getting quite irritated by ellyn, who clings onto you like a stuck leech. she insists on the weirdest things, like climbing up onto my bed to sleep when there is barely enough space for myself. The worst is that she twiddled with the tuning pegs of my ovation while i was playing it and the G string snapped and lashed across my arm. oww. I suppose its because of her lack of siblings, but i cannot take more of this. she is adorable, but quite the prima-dona. She's going home tonight!! yay!
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