Because today never happened before.
Amazing Race pictures on Saturday!
930 at legends.
And this is my team made up off three indobengs[kidding kidding.] and meself.
Quite bizarre when you can't speak a word of bahasa, except Ayam.
Don't they all look the same now.
I should at least learn a twinge of the language, since i seem to have so much interaction with indonesian-speaking people. The feeling of being caught in a foreign language all the time, it frankly, quite awkward.
Not many teams joined this time when they heard it was island-wide. The sentosa one was tiring enough!! soooo it pretty much scared everyone off. also the attractive prizes this time wasn't so attractive afterall.
meet Luki[lucky], Heri and Michael. Michael was supposedly the human street directory, so we were pretty confident of our navigating skills.
And i swear it was darn weird to be in the same race as band seniors. Ahhemm esp the last one... i recounted the incident of the girl falling off the fourth floor and it certainly brought back enough memories to start everyone laughing.
because she has an extaordinarily huge mouth.

we weren't allowed to bring cameras, so i just gave it to ainsley.
First stop was the frog farm at LIM CHU KANG.
and we were guessing whether it was near Yio/choa chu kang and ended up taking a huge gamble. Took a cab from kranji mrt instead. It is a part of singapore which i have never seen before, which shows how ignorant thou is of our tiny island.
the cab fare exceeded fifteen dollars!!!
The task was DISGUSTING. it involved carrying frogs to and fro from buckets, surprise surprise. ANd they're not baby frogs mind you, but slimy, full-grown, bulbous TOADS. covered in slime and goodness knows what. Of course, luk's two friends shrank at the thought[and the smell, i assume], and you can't make a girl carry frogs. Luk ended up doing it. i wanted to puke, just seeing him handling those little handfuls of slime.
After that, we heard uncle andrew recount his story of how Kelvin's team got disqualified because that dominic dude caught them hitching a ride out of Lim chu kang road. Of course, they were damned pissed. But i don't see what's so bad about that, since the truck dude offered them a ride anyway. Imagine being DQ at the first pitstop! quite ridiculous. then Mel-nie got a call from stella[in kel's team].
Stella: Eh we got Disqualifed. [monotone class]
Mel: huh?! how come...
Stella: hitched a hike out of that frog farm.
Mel: So what you doing now.. got four hours!
Stella: We go botanic garden and feed swans with the bread.
Next one is at dairy farm at bukit timah.
Rock climbing. This time i did it, since i had done it with the Lee's several times anyway. Oh and is on REAL rocks, not those with plastic handles.
Still didnt manage to relax totally throughout the enire journey from the west to east.
Walked to the mountain biking.. which is really far away from tampines station. asked for directions so many times. Finally got there and bumped intto melanie's team who got pretty pissed when micheal ran ahead of them and we got to do the task first. It looked ridiculously easy, riding the bike in a cross-cross pattern and building some structure made up of orange cones, but it was hella tiring. Did three rounds while luki rested.
After that tried to catch a cab to Guang Ming with the limited money we had.
Ended up in second place! Ah too bad.

pastor william giving a short message, which i didnt listen to much, because brain was shutting down due to weariness.

my shoes are cooler then melnie's.

the winning team. argh!
Straight after that headed to pastor william's place so that we could get ready to go to Jen's play. Strangely, the whole lot of us[Lucy, Micky, her other female friend, Luki, michael, Heri, Shirley, the Lee Boys, Melanie, uncle william, aunty carolyn, aunty queenie and her husband, jie leng2, jie shawn, jie Shu hui, siantar, ainsley and daniel] were ready to support her. And half of them even knew jennifer! LOL. i think she was the most supported that day.
Me shirley and lucy raided jennifer's room when she wasn't at home, so they could get the clothes. I broguth my own, so there was no need to borrow one of her tacky ACJC arabian nights tee like lucy did. XD kidding jen, i know you watch my blog fervently.

some of them were already falling asleep whilst hanging out at uncle W's.

Got driven to ACJC in aunty carolyn's, and i ran to the counter to try to beg for ten extra tickets[due to that sudden massive turnout.] which she parked the car. They remained stoic and said there weren't any spares. Until Aunty carolyn got out of the car and asked for the teacher-in-charge, who turned out to be this really scary looking lady with drawn on eyebrows. Apparently, aunty carolyn does have some amount of influence over that lady, cause she relented and said she'll give some to us. YAY!
MEL: Eh nick, let me ask you a question
Nick: what?
MEL: a submarine can hold a maximum of ten people. But when there were only nine people on the submarine, it sank. why?
Nick: I dunno. cause one of them was a pregnant woman.
MEL: No! cause it is a SUBMARINE!!!
guffaws. Nick didnt get it until we explaned to him that a sub was supposed to sink.

i do miss shirley and her acbs photos.

Some pictures of the play. had to snap them up before anyone of those scary 'bouncers' caught me and told me to stop.

Jenny was the lead of the first one, entitled the Golden Child.
i thought the concept was quite brilliant. Jen's role suited her!
The second and third[most massive woman wins] were quite awesome. the level of acting was very very professional and i'm sure the drama people from or school would have appreciated it. It would certainly entice them to pursue DEP in ACJC next time, i expect.
halfway through the play...
Jie Shawn says quite loudly: wa lao... why they're english so filly-fally one eh? cannot understand leh.
the fourth was horrible. adaption of the little prince. No linkage of the plot whatsoever.

fifth was wordy, but good.

By that time however, everyone was sleeping. Micheal was nodding off through the entire showcase.

wow with the golden child herself! i am honoured, indeed.
And her unknowingly, talking to her beloved fans and totally ignoring us.

Next day at GM!

I like Bex's funkay jacket.
LIST ON THINGS TO DO1. FIND time to hang out with bex over the week. And do stupid stuff like guzzle famous amos and doing ridiculous orchard road dares.
2. Meet up with Lizzeh and collect paramore tee shirt before she actually wears it.
3. Create Lj account before Lizzeh starts badmouthing me on her no PRIVATE blog.
4. Finish up my damned essays!
5. Force myself to go for CCA practise.
6. Research ice-cream recipe so we don't spend the whole of saturday messing around with sticky ingredients and Luki's self-made ice-cream machine[for his engineering project! cool, yes?]
7. Get tickets for Singfest/DCFC.
8. Find augustana CD to lend fabeha.
9. Force myself to go for band twice this week and fight for the good cause of not wearing polo tee shirts. who the hell is going to see us anyway?! oh and practise dhoom
10. Go to the Kino sale.
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