My mother would be flipping out if she knew how other people are working their asses off while i do all sorts of bizarre things to fill up my weekends.
The makings of a theatre production!
Left for luki's house afterthat. blurted out a bit of the emotion in the bus, along with Luki's outburst and mel's insistence. Of course, leng2 didnt take it all too well, as expected. argh.

I cut these mushrooms, and sliced off the tip of my index finger as well. Was never a real talent for cooking.

Our first attempt at making cookies and cream ice cream. It was totally liquid and not properly churned because we didnt own a proper churner. I suggested that we just bung it into the fridge and hope that it solidifes after dinner so we can all have a chunk of it later on. COnsidering that it was the only available option, Mel did it.

Ai yoh.
In luki's room. he doesnt half-mind ten of us invading his private space.
And the coolest electric set ever. Mark is very very good.

It was the most unhygienic dinner i've ever eaten. We just loped dried up spag onto our plates and more junk, while spilling alot of sauce around the place, which the younger youths stepped on before we had a chance to clean up. Also, there were not enough cups, and we ended up sharing about 6 cups between all of us till Lucy found an assortment of water bottles and bowls that we could drink out of.
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