Its only the first week of school and i feel like yanking a handful of my hair out and running out of the back of our stuffy classroom, screaming bloody murder. Homework piling up and all. Yesterday i was sitting alone again because of the abscence of Fabeha. Nothing particular humurous happened, ALL WEEK in fact, except maybe when Patricia said 'Tushy' in class and shook ms voon a tad. And mr poh in a good mood is better than nothing, so every cloud DOES have a silver lining.
On the other hand, the day i understand organic chemistry is the day hell freezes over. And what does piling up on tests have anything to do with enhancing out learning, tell me. no comprehendo.
Leng2 lamented about failing her driving test for the third time while we all stuffed out fists into our mouths and tried our very best not to laugh. At the age of 27-going-on-28, jie leng2 has far too many maladies fall upon her. Infact, she still wishes to pursue the dream of cruising the Pan-Island Expressway. Well, all i can say that since you're spent that much money on those driving tests, a few more won't hurt!! Go for it!! But i doubt you'll find me queueing up for a ride in her car. I treasure my life, no matter how devoid of climaxes and social life it is.
settled for bible study between jie ains mel and jen. While jie ains managed to cough out two double sided pages of notes, i barely managed two lines.
Me and Luki were on an icopter-marathon and i got till 517 points. And we got into fits because of alex's 'THUMB DISEASE' and side commentaries made by nick and mel. short-tongue disorder was on a rampage that night.
Cabbed home.
Then there was this huge EL-PAPER FIASCO. Wherein i had to call about ten people[i know i've told this to numerous individuals already.] to help me photocopy my paper to escape the wraiths of ms kang. Felt so terrible to end up begging sharon for help AGAIN, after i had already asked her for a million favours.
Today marked return of fabeha and her acid tongue. Occupied myself with Sarah G's fabulous book... ANGUS, THONGS AND FULL-FRONTAL SNOGGING. im telling you, its the funniest book to hit the shelves since Adrian Mole came about. Its been a fair bit since i laughed so hard, that i managed to choke on the chocolate coin our MT teacher gave out to us during lessons. Patricia thumped me on my back even though she gave me a look of disguised mortification. Sitting near geraldine is very entertaining cause she makes random bursts of noises and talks to herself quite openly, which at first used to freak sharon out, but now i think she's fine.
AH shoots. BAND. so sick of it.
And i missed watching get smart with the usual people. argh.
I think when mdm bey handed the sec 4s the new tutorial schedule, it was then where i felt the most regrets for taking up the concert. Even in so earlt stages i'm starting to feel like im falling behind drastically in studies and not coping with the new speed of things. And yet now they've increased CCA time to 3-4 times a week, not including the masses of tutorials.
I think when mdm bey handed the sec 4s the new tutorial schedule, it was then where i felt the most regrets for taking up the concert. Even in so earlt stages i'm starting to feel like im falling behind drastically in studies and not coping with the new speed of things. And yet now they've increased CCA time to 3-4 times a week, not including the masses of tutorials.
To put icing on the cake, internal band affairs are giving me a headache. And it all comes tumbling back again.
Ice cream making today. Mel-nie just mesaged me and positively begged me to come for the drama rehearsal tmr, just for company's sake. GARH and i can't say no. SHEESH. I feel quite redundant and useless at the moment because although i was supposed to be heavily involved in this mime thing, i did not get so much as an update from jie Shawn. This all works for the better, i suppose.
Goodbye all.
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