Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dinner Parties

Now that work has finally come to an end, I've still been busy, albeit in a different way. Like always, my days in a week fill up with plans before Monday even begins, with errands to run for Sweden, ministry-related responsibilities, family dinners & coffee runs with friends (hence the picture of the terrible latte art above from Pies & Coffee). If it's not something, it's another. One thing I've found time to do though, is to host a bunch of dinner parties...!

The amount of work that goes into hosting dinner parties is tremendous, no doubt, but I enjoy every part of it. I love recipe-brainstorming the night before & grocery shopping in the morning, walking through empty aisles & fussing over the right cooking wine or freaking out over the fact that white plums aren't in season any more. I love the hours of preparation in the afternoon, & the kitchen becoming more & more of a frenzy as 7 o'clock draws near, when people start to stream in with drinks & dessert offerings & their beautiful cacophony of voices. I love it all. But why?

A big part of it definitely has to do with the fact that I simply love food & enjoy cooking, & it's undeniable that the feeling one gets from seeing other people enjoy the food you've cooked is great. & there's always that talk about the base human instinct to constantly feed people etc. At the end of the day though, it always boils down to the company. Great food & all its trimmings are well & good, but it always comes down to the people that embody the heart & soul of all dinner parties. It doesn't matter who comes: a close friend, an aunt, a whole horde of youths, or even a ragtag assortment of the above, & it really also doesn't matter if the food is fancy or not. I like the fact that lives can be shared over simple or elaborate fare, over a bowl of homemade pesto or over tender filet mignon with red wine dressing. It's the spirited debate at the antipasti course & the deep conversation over coffee & cake that all of us really enjoy. It's why I truly love dinner parties ;)

Now if only the dishes could magically wash themselves.

P.S. For helpful tips & recipes on how to host lovely dinner parties for any occasion, any of these books are brilliant:

1. How to Feed Your Friends with Relish by Joanna Weinberg - Incredibly practical & no nonsense.
2. Cucina of Le Marche by Fabio Trabocchi - Reinventing Italian cooking while keeping it simple.
3. The Vintage Tea Party Book by Angel Adoree - I love this book. Besides recipes, of course, it contains instructions on how to host the perfect tea/dinner party, from DIY decorations to sporting the right hairstyles. The recipes are slightly fancy & sometimes take a ridiculous amount of work, but if you've got all day, why not?

& just for good measure,

4. Where Shall We Go For Dinner? by Tamasin Day-Lewis - Currently reading & enjoying tremendously.

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