Saturday, December 10, 2011

On turning 19.

Eleven minutes till this brief medley of celebrations (and its assortments of birthday cheesecakes, extravagant meals, heaps of book gifts and a lot of first times!) come to an end.

Birthdays can be a pretty awful affair. Well, for me at least. Isn't it awkward sitting around a table while everyone chimes an off-key rendition of happy birthday? Or receiving gifts you don't really deserve. The thought of being the center of attention for twenty four hours drives me crazy. Today I had to endure the ominous Circle of Death during cell group and it was quite mortifying... but I have to say, sweet. It's nice to know you're appreciated and loved at least once a year!

So thanks for all the messages, tweets, facebook posts and personal wishes from family and friends! I honestly love you all. It's been hard being 18, but 19 will most definitely, be magnificent.

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