Friday, November 25, 2011

Life on the Nickel

Things that have made me very very happy of late

1. Heaps of books: Shakespeare, Whitman, Eugenides, Kundra and Edgar Allan Poe
2. Long lunches at nice restaurants with people I've missed.
3. Live music at interesting places
4. Naps.
5. Eight seasons of Grey's Anatomy and four of 30 rock
6. Jones the Grocer and their multitude of teas
7. She & Him's Christmas album
8. My Tumblr dashboard
9. My Gold Motel Package that traveled across the world thrice in six months. It's no longer summer, but the tunes are still good
10. Exams are over, school is out for six weeks!

In an exceptionally good mood. I can take on the world! Happy thanksgiving and turkey gobbling to everyone!

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