Monday, August 23, 2010

Love is art

DUE TO SCHOOL, PRELIMS, UPCOMING A-LEVELS AND ENDLESS TESTS, there has been an alarming shortage of radness in my life. Is it sad that the most exciting thing that happened to me today was when Ms. Yoong threw my GP essay into the bin cause I was reading it during math class? HURRAH!

Hurrrrr the school thinks it's smart to ask us to have 'potluck' on Teacher's day so they don't have to fork out moolah for light refreshments. Golly thanks! And the kong-monster's elaborate morning speeches have always been unbearable, but lately they are worse. Like, cut-throat-worse. IDK WHAT I'M SAYING SCHOOL MAKES ME INCOHERENT.

To avoid doing any sort of productive work, I've been watching movies from the DVD box (the count is stagnant at 287 movies, of which I have watched about 50), reorganizing my CDs and playing obscenely loud guitar at the 1ams.

So well imma do something lots more interesting than Hypo-testing. Like, pumice my feet or get hit by a truck of hot garbage juice.

Thanks Juno, for giving me the words! See you guys soon :)

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