and its where our hearts are.
Rants and raves on the random subject.

firstly, hey boys like girls fans. If anyone has spare/unwanted tickets for tomorrow's massive 10km run race, please tell me! All of you generous donors will receive a free hug from clare and a pre-invite to my future wedding. All applicants are welcoome.
2. Also as it s unlikely to gather enough tickets to go into the padang tomorrow to see smexy martin[and paul also, but majorly martin.] we will be attempting to crash together with the hordes of marathon runners by
a) standing with huge signs before the finishing line saying 'NEED TICKETS'. Surely those real runners don't give two hoots on who BLG is, therefore they can give us their tag XD
b) wait till the end of the race where a few sweaty otakus/geeks stumble in on their last leagues, then push them into a bush and take them entrance proofs.
3. Somehow i have been thrown into the pit of fried asses, clare being the original. flattering? i think not.
4. I just spent the whole of yesterday night watching footage of The Final Riot Tour all over youtube. It looks like a blast, but if i have to hear another texas hippie/south american wannbe rocker screaming bloody murder in the midst of 'Pressure', i may have to kill myself.
5. I kissed a Boy by Cobra starship is amusing. Much better than the original Katy Perry version, of course XD
6. Oh yes on IKEA day i forgot to say that i slipped below patricia's block and landed right on my tushy. On the really really hard ground! Also, i was being watched by this old man, who glared at me right from the time i fell to the time i scrambled to my feet. Man did that hurt. Also, what's with the staring thing? infuriating!
7. Also, i lost my camera cover and spare batt. It is hardly something to worry about, since i've misplaced things of much greater value, i'm just thankful i got my camera. Sheesh.
8. Eeh emilia, how can you say Bryan BLG bassist is hott?! While i admit that martin is hardly photogenic[he looks a bit like a grinch in web photos.], at least he doesnt have bad hair days. His hair is awesome.

9. Today[well, technically yesterday, its two thirty am right now.] i saw The City Is At War on the playlist of songs. Was quite shocked and happy at the same time, but sadly it wasn't played
10. I'm talking to Patrick and clauds on Skype now, it is very very funneh. So far we've done some westlife covers and role-playing from some books. Hearing Pat say 'I am of the second sex' solemnly can choke you with laughter.
11. CASE OF THE MISSING AUGUSTANA CD: anyone seen it anywhere? hos can records just disappear like that?! it is worrying.
12. OMG i heard miley cyrus is coming to Singapore at the end of the year to promote her latest CD or whatsit. WHAT IN COWS NAME. She disgusts me really, no voice of any sort and she is the queen of that 'Ass' face. bad influence on kids! in fact i might go as far as to say she has dipped the line below the Jonas Brothers, yes she is that bad.
13. It is a shame really, that bands like PARAMORE, jack's mannequin, the rocket summer[ALL IN THE SAME TOUR BTW] and metro station don't come to singapore for concerts. You know what we get instead? the click five and avril lavigne a.k.a sk8er girl turned wannabe cheerleader, coming over and over and over again. sad, really.
14. warped tour footage this year looks awsm. The hordes of people and signings and hanging out with bands. Like we could ever do it in singapore.
15. paramore performing misery business as VMAs. although im glad, why not another song?
Thursday went to renee's to study. swing pics!

prince is a very... appealing dog.
cute, in my dictionary.

PSP girl, who was playing games for the etire two hours we were stuck in the hall. Mahahaha smart un.

After the whole blood-donation drive thingy, wherein ppl didnt get the forms due to the fact of mr poh himself, went to give teacher's day presents. It was like orchard road in the middle of the day, right there at the staffroom. pure pandemonium, i was reduced to a loudspeaker myself, shouting names for random people hovering outside.
actually wasn't allowed to go patti's house yesterday due to some family thingy. But when i went home, mom said OK! so called shanna and we went together hahahahhaa.
highlight of the day was making shanna do the aces day dance for us. Life couldnt get any better, really.

Me and pat however, are never going to go jogging. EVER.
till next time XD