Hokay, so Germany lost to Spain 0-1.
It was a good game though. Strangely, i don't feel all that depressed/devastated. Must be the monday blues quelling all my other emotions.
People must think i'm insane waking up at 2:45 am to watch some lads play footie[it is something like 12 noon at the other side of the world.], but it was worth it. Missed the first part but heard uncle and dad screaming when the first[and only] goal was scored Although in my state of grogginess, i tumbled down from my upper deck because of the lack of a ladder.
Mom broke it.
When i came home a few days ago and decided to take a short nap, i searched the whole house for that stupid ladder and felt really stupid meself. Finally, mom noticed my furtive searching and figured out what i was looking for. Then she started to explain herself... like how the bottom rung simply snapped off when she was dusting the beds. 'Like Paper,' she said. Oh well. This speaks volumes in my books. If i had no tact at all, i would say something like 'Lay off the upzised mcspicys!', but off course i didn't, or she would have lodged into one of those unbearable lectures.
No ladder suits me fine, but it means i hae to scale the side of my bed by hooking one leg up this little-poking-out-thing while hoisting my entire self up with my arms. And then i end up balancing n my stomach and grasping wildly like a stuck pig. With some luck, i get to bed.
What's not so easy though, is getting out of it. Especially in really really early mornings such as this, when my foot cannot find the poking-out-thing/forget that there actually isnt a ladder.
back to the slaughter house a.k.a school
If our lives were exciting as that of Georgia and Jas, i wouldn't haf-mind going to school everyday. But there is no excitement invovled in at all, except like the whole calss being entertained by the news of someone plummenting down from the fourth floor. This is quite depressing.
At least today i'll get the second book by Louise Rennison XD and lament to sarah G about germany's loss. Don't worry, there's always the world cup.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
that we become the things we do.
These are the busiest of days.
My mother would be flipping out if she knew how other people are working their asses off while i do all sorts of bizarre things to fill up my weekends.
The makings of a theatre production!

Luki fell down/lost hus balance a few times in the midst of his little dance. mahaha. Seriously, the highlight of the morning.

Checking out the recipe numerous times to idle away our boredom and to get away from feeling pissed. Kelvin was desperately trying to salvage Ainsley's hanged iTOUCH, which died the previous day because of her attempt to download illegal games. tsk tsk.
Mel's ridiculous shoes. It is the 21st century!! Sometimes mel can be extremely fashionable[who am i to talk anyway??] but sometime's she can look like a live relic of the Roman Empire.
My mother would be flipping out if she knew how other people are working their asses off while i do all sorts of bizarre things to fill up my weekends.
The makings of a theatre production!
Left for luki's house afterthat. blurted out a bit of the emotion in the bus, along with Luki's outburst and mel's insistence. Of course, leng2 didnt take it all too well, as expected. argh.

I cut these mushrooms, and sliced off the tip of my index finger as well. Was never a real talent for cooking.

Our first attempt at making cookies and cream ice cream. It was totally liquid and not properly churned because we didnt own a proper churner. I suggested that we just bung it into the fridge and hope that it solidifes after dinner so we can all have a chunk of it later on. COnsidering that it was the only available option, Mel did it.

Ai yoh.
In luki's room. he doesnt half-mind ten of us invading his private space.
And the coolest electric set ever. Mark is very very good.

It was the most unhygienic dinner i've ever eaten. We just loped dried up spag onto our plates and more junk, while spilling alot of sauce around the place, which the younger youths stepped on before we had a chance to clean up. Also, there were not enough cups, and we ended up sharing about 6 cups between all of us till Lucy found an assortment of water bottles and bowls that we could drink out of.
Friday, June 27, 2008
You look like the songs i've heard my whole life coming true. So much love in you.
Thank helluva its Friday. 48 full hours to par-tay[work our sore arses off.] till we go back and waste our lives away learning about integration and the chemical properties of carboxylic acids.
Its only the first week of school and i feel like yanking a handful of my hair out and running out of the back of our stuffy classroom, screaming bloody murder. Homework piling up and all. Yesterday i was sitting alone again because of the abscence of Fabeha. Nothing particular humurous happened, ALL WEEK in fact, except maybe when Patricia said 'Tushy' in class and shook ms voon a tad. And mr poh in a good mood is better than nothing, so every cloud DOES have a silver lining.
On the other hand, the day i understand organic chemistry is the day hell freezes over. And what does piling up on tests have anything to do with enhancing out learning, tell me. no comprehendo.
Leng2 lamented about failing her driving test for the third time while we all stuffed out fists into our mouths and tried our very best not to laugh. At the age of 27-going-on-28, jie leng2 has far too many maladies fall upon her. Infact, she still wishes to pursue the dream of cruising the Pan-Island Expressway. Well, all i can say that since you're spent that much money on those driving tests, a few more won't hurt!! Go for it!! But i doubt you'll find me queueing up for a ride in her car. I treasure my life, no matter how devoid of climaxes and social life it is.
This is Jennifer, curled up like a prawn undr the mounds of IKEA pillows, with nothing but a protruding leg and half an arm. I didnt realise she was there till something shifted at the corner of my eye and i realised fabric doesnt have alife of its own.
Jie ains came with food! hallelujah. Teeth still hurt alot because tightening with new chains is tough. took half an hour to finish a slice, and even then it felt like i was chewing rocks. The pizza from Sarpino's is not bad actually.
Lucy staring at the corpse lying on the leather sofa.
I rather like the ACJC uniform. Although a school's attire should not be on the top agenda on my applications for JCs, but it does hold some importance. We wouldn't want to be walking around looking like slightly-under the weather boiled cabbages[TJC's. no offence, but grey-green bear's too much resemblance.]. But the bed-hair/haystack looka-like, i do not envy. XD
settled for bible study between jie ains mel and jen. While jie ains managed to cough out two double sided pages of notes, i barely managed two lines.

I am ashamed of myself. And to repent for my sins, i have to confess that i did wander to the dozing-off state several times during jie ains sharing and jennifer's elaborate speech. Mel too!!

Me and Luki were on an icopter-marathon and i got till 517 points. And we got into fits because of alex's 'THUMB DISEASE' and side commentaries made by nick and mel. short-tongue disorder was on a rampage that night.
Its only the first week of school and i feel like yanking a handful of my hair out and running out of the back of our stuffy classroom, screaming bloody murder. Homework piling up and all. Yesterday i was sitting alone again because of the abscence of Fabeha. Nothing particular humurous happened, ALL WEEK in fact, except maybe when Patricia said 'Tushy' in class and shook ms voon a tad. And mr poh in a good mood is better than nothing, so every cloud DOES have a silver lining.
On the other hand, the day i understand organic chemistry is the day hell freezes over. And what does piling up on tests have anything to do with enhancing out learning, tell me. no comprehendo.
Leng2 lamented about failing her driving test for the third time while we all stuffed out fists into our mouths and tried our very best not to laugh. At the age of 27-going-on-28, jie leng2 has far too many maladies fall upon her. Infact, she still wishes to pursue the dream of cruising the Pan-Island Expressway. Well, all i can say that since you're spent that much money on those driving tests, a few more won't hurt!! Go for it!! But i doubt you'll find me queueing up for a ride in her car. I treasure my life, no matter how devoid of climaxes and social life it is.
settled for bible study between jie ains mel and jen. While jie ains managed to cough out two double sided pages of notes, i barely managed two lines.
Me and Luki were on an icopter-marathon and i got till 517 points. And we got into fits because of alex's 'THUMB DISEASE' and side commentaries made by nick and mel. short-tongue disorder was on a rampage that night.
Cabbed home.
Then there was this huge EL-PAPER FIASCO. Wherein i had to call about ten people[i know i've told this to numerous individuals already.] to help me photocopy my paper to escape the wraiths of ms kang. Felt so terrible to end up begging sharon for help AGAIN, after i had already asked her for a million favours.
Today marked return of fabeha and her acid tongue. Occupied myself with Sarah G's fabulous book... ANGUS, THONGS AND FULL-FRONTAL SNOGGING. im telling you, its the funniest book to hit the shelves since Adrian Mole came about. Its been a fair bit since i laughed so hard, that i managed to choke on the chocolate coin our MT teacher gave out to us during lessons. Patricia thumped me on my back even though she gave me a look of disguised mortification. Sitting near geraldine is very entertaining cause she makes random bursts of noises and talks to herself quite openly, which at first used to freak sharon out, but now i think she's fine.
AH shoots. BAND. so sick of it.
And i missed watching get smart with the usual people. argh.
I think when mdm bey handed the sec 4s the new tutorial schedule, it was then where i felt the most regrets for taking up the concert. Even in so earlt stages i'm starting to feel like im falling behind drastically in studies and not coping with the new speed of things. And yet now they've increased CCA time to 3-4 times a week, not including the masses of tutorials.
I think when mdm bey handed the sec 4s the new tutorial schedule, it was then where i felt the most regrets for taking up the concert. Even in so earlt stages i'm starting to feel like im falling behind drastically in studies and not coping with the new speed of things. And yet now they've increased CCA time to 3-4 times a week, not including the masses of tutorials.
To put icing on the cake, internal band affairs are giving me a headache. And it all comes tumbling back again.
Ice cream making today. Mel-nie just mesaged me and positively begged me to come for the drama rehearsal tmr, just for company's sake. GARH and i can't say no. SHEESH. I feel quite redundant and useless at the moment because although i was supposed to be heavily involved in this mime thing, i did not get so much as an update from jie Shawn. This all works for the better, i suppose.
Goodbye all.
BAND and the crazies,
Class of 1.8-4.8,
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Because Metro Station says we should shake it.
the first on the lists,
which i write,
spawned ink on blue lines
And i know that if i believe,
i can make all of this go away
half-hearted dreams and withering splendour,
simply by writing it down
and adjusting my moodrings,
finetuning these heartstrings.
But i just can't.
Cause you're more than a heartbeat,
and a little less than an honest mistake.
so first day of school. expected to be sitting next to sarah anne for the rest of the year, despite mr poh's unending promises of getting a new seating arrangement done up 'soon'. However, it was not to be. Tuesday morning was interupted with sharp cries of protest and the noisy reshuffling and transferral of books at first period. So i got directed by a slightly imprudent Amanda Yeo right at the middle back of class, next to fabeha. Ummm ok. Since i don't really talk to her much, except for the occasional rant about augustana and talking about suanners during exam time, the first few hours were a little bizarre. Punctuated by my attempts with lame jokes and what not. Sheesh.
Warmed up by EL, and started debating on whose idea for the narrative would be better. Man was it hilarious. Janna and Ruoen were none impressed by my wonderfully crafted story!! Well, i don't fabeha's DRESS attempt was that good either -_-" Our first insulting conversation went something like this.
Fabeha: What?! That story is soo cliche. I mean, the bridge?! and the artist part?!
Me: how could you say that? it has a perfect balance of creativity and substance. you punk.
Fabeha: punk? You braceface!
Me: *gasp!
Fabeha: Haa. gotcha there didn't i.
SO here's to fun times.
for five weeks. Honestly, if i were her, i'd be dead bored.
It was quite enjoyable. Sheri is being very irritating though. SHEESH.
Unfortunately fabeha couldnt come to school because of some other more important, pressing matters. So sat next to Nicole, whose partner didnt come as well. We went high at the last hour. Pretty fun sitting there wahahaha.
Band afterwards. Valley for two hours with hyper-active marilyn, who kept talking about her new class position and other bizarre things. Plagued by constant messages from a bunch of people during band. We left early on account of our upcoming 'TEST', mary totally lied. AGAIN.
NAStasha is totally trying to find new and innovative ways to pon band, and her oblivious mother keeps writing friggin' notes for her while an even more oblivious mr juraimi doesnt note her abscene. This is ridiculous. I should be the one not going for band, not natasha!!! She has enough brains to sustain her till Os, while i clearly need more time to catch up. ARRGGH.
I still havent done half of the things on my list so i should get going now.
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