They said that i was different.
But this time,
we're cutting ties with the lies,
perhaps it was all a dream.
But it seemed all too real.
And make-believe doesn't make the cut,
Drifting on silver linings,
dancing on the greener grass,
Oh, what a dream.
Well fate has finally revealed itself. In the most up-to-date, technologically advanced way as possible.
Obviously, the biggest news that hit the newsstand this week was the posting of schools. On friday, got the first message from clarebear at about 630 telling me the aussome news: That she got into CJ! Whoopie. But then of course got the jitters because i didn't get any message, and the incoming messages, calls and
So when it came, i just felt relieved. Happy for the most part, but also a bit... bleh. HA! how vague i am with my words.
Anyway we went shopping for Ainsley's present at parkway on Saturday and looked who we bumped into.
Did some visiting/collecting ang pao moneh after that before rushing all the way back to the east for 'reunion dinner' with the usual bums. It was fun stuff! We played the most childish games. Like ahhem, musical chairs. Can't believe we are already seventeen this year, cause i seems we're stuck in the childhood days.
Can't wait till we meet up again which is FEBUARY 13TH aka the day before valentine's day. In town. Cause CJCians are par-tay animals like that.
I guess i'll find out tomorrow, right? :)
Hope to report back with good news. See you guys in a bit!
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