Second week of COLLEGE and the studying has already begun. *chorus moaning.
Every math lesson, me and may are groaning away about partial fractions, and what on earth we were thinking when we took up h2 math. Has amath lessons not been a sufficient measure of how well i do in math?!?
Its ironic that my first year in a mixed school, and the valentine's day gifts haul has taken a downturn. Valentine's day was always a 'larger than life' event in SAC, and it was a common sight to see SACians carrying towers of drooping flowers, chocolate and assorted boxes on the 14th of febuary. Something else i miss about Vday in secondary school!
In a quick turn of events (and rather last minute decisions), I'm now running the competitive cross-country race with the nuttiest bunch in class! We were rooting for a good PE teacher that isn't a slave driver like that Issac dude/ODAC instructor and in the end we got this middle-aged woman who didn't seem all too bad :) HALLELUJAH. God works in mysterious ways, especially for the not-so-fit.
This monday we had the Parents-teachers Meeting which was in actual fact just a one-and-a-half-hour conference where parents slept to the sounds of Brother Paul droning away. Had a bit of a hilarious moment with Clare, Jacinta and Sheral and the mcdonalds meal! Dad & Mom eventually turned up at 7:50 and we rushed to the Performing Arts Centre for the conference in a hurry.
Five reasons why dad should not be allowed to conferences like this.
1) Kept standing up/sitting down/laughing like a horse at the wrong parts.
2) Because he exclaimed 'Eh, got snacks or not ah??' in the middle of the parent volunteer speech and made everyone look at us.
3) Kept making mom laugh with his inappropriate comments about
4) Kicked the parent in front of him (and in the HEAD, mind you), due to his abnormally long legs and constant fidgeting
5) Because he was insistent on going up to my principal to shake his hand and call him 'YO BRUDD-ER.'
Also, i think my linguistics teacher a.k.a Science Lab Aunty Lookalike saw me reading a borrowed seventeen magazine during the conference. Ah helll.
I HAVE THE SUCKIEST TIMETABLE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. srsly. Five everyday?! That's a twelve hour school day of torture.
There are all these good movies i'm missing because of the lack of time.
More work to do. See ya'll soon!
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